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At Logan's home: Alice: Hey, can we talk? Logan: Yes, mother. Alice: Are you still mad at Vanessa? Logan: Yes, my life is ruined because of her. Alice: I feel sorry for her. Logan: Why? Alice: Because she is the pregnant one, not you, think about it, she is alone, her body is changing, until she have to give birth, maybe you're mad because you don't understand how she feels about it. Logan: Do you think i should talk with her? Alice:: Yes, you should. Logan: Okay. Later: At the school: Logan sees Vanessa and goes over to her. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, what do you want? Logan: I want to talk with you. Vanessa: Are you still mad at me? Logan: No, not really, i'm sorry for everything. Vanessa: It's okay. Logan gives Vanessa a hug, and everyone at the school can see how pregnant she is, and they talk about her, behind her back, she can hear it, she get's upset and runs outside. Logan: Stop talking about Vanessa, we all know that she is pregnant, leave her alone. Mary goes out to Vanessa, to talk with her. Mary: Vanessa, are you okay? Vanessa: Do I look okay? Mary: No, you're sad. Vanessa: Everybody knows that I'm pregnant, everyone hates me because I'm pregnant. Mary: That's not true, I don't hate you. Vanessa: Thank you, I thought you were mad at me? Mary: No, not anymore. Vanessa: Thanks, it means alot to me, I feel that I am all alone. Mary: You are not alone, I'm here for you. Vanessa: Thank you, I can't believe, that I soon is gonna be responsible for my child. Mary: Yeah.

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