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At the coffee shop: Mary wants to find out, about what's going on with Vanessa. Vanessa throws up again on the toilet, Mary goes out to the toilet, to wait on Vanessa, until she comes out. Vanessa comes out, from the toilet. Vanessa: Mary, are you waiting on me? Mary: Yeah, i wanna know what's going on with you. Vanessa: Nothing's going on. Mary: Yes, there is, Tyler told me that he saw you and Logan at the hospital, what were you and Logan doing at the hospital, is something wrong with you? Vanessa: No, but there is something i haven't told you. Mary: Why can't you tell me, i'm your best friend. Vanessa: Okay, i wanna tell you. Mary: Are you pregnant again? Vanessa: Yes, i'm pregnant again. Mary: How long have you been pregnant? Vanessa: About 6 months, i'm sorry that i didn't tell you. Mary: It's okay. Later. Logan comes to pick Vanessa up, with Alex in his arms. Mary: Hey, Logan. Logan: Hey, Mary. Vanessa: I told Mary, that i'm pregnant. Logan: That's good. The boss is coming, he sees Vanessa's first child Alex. Boss: Is that your son? Vanessa: Yes, that's Alex. Alex is a little shy. Alex: Who's that? Vanessa: That's my boss. Alex: Hey. Brandy: Hey, he is really cute. Vanessa: Yeah, he is sweet. Logan: Are you ready to go home? Vanessa: Yeah, let's drive home. They go out to the car, and then they drive home.

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