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At Logan's home: Logan: How can i be so stupid, to believe, that she changed her mind, about letting me see the child. Alice: You're not stupid. Olivia: I know, Vanessa is gonna let you see the child soon. Logan: I don't think so, she is letting Tyler in and visit her, but not me, i don't know what's going on. Alice: Maybe Tyler is the real dad, to the child. Logan: Vanessa told me that she dosen't know anything about that yet. Olivia: I think that she is lying to you, i have a feeling that she is a liar, i don't trust her, not since she gave birth to the baby. Logan: Aren't you friends with her? Olivia: Yeah, i was. At Vanessa's home: Mary: You're taking care of the baby? Vanessa: Yeah, he is mine, i love him, i wanna take care of him. Mary: I'm happy that you're not giving up on him. Vanessa: Me too, i love my child so much. At Logan's home: Logan: Olivia, where are you going? Olivia: I need to talk with Vanessa. Logan: Can i come with you? Olivia: Yeah. Olivia and Logan goes over to Vanessa, to talk with her about everything.

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