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At home: It's afternoon: Vanessa takes care of the baby, she is thinking about the dad to the baby, she won't tell it to Logan and Tyler, but she told Mary, her best friend. Mary: Oh, so he is the dad? Vanessa: Yeah, but i won't tell him, this is my child, none of them can know about it. Later: Logan rings at the door, Vanessa's dad Thomas opens the door. Thomas: Hey, Logan, what do you want? Logan: Can i talk with Vanessa? Thomas: Yeah, wait here. Logan: Okay. Logan is looking through the window, he can see that Tyler is hanging out with Vanessa and Mary, he get's upset at Vanessa. Vanessa comes out to talk with Logan. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Hey, I have to go. Vanessa: But you just got here. Logan: Yes, but you are in a hurry to hang out with Mary and with Tyler. Vanessa: How do you know that Tyler is here? Logan: I saw him, just tell me that he is the father of your child, tell me the truth. Vanessa: I haven't received the letter yet, so I don't know. Logan: That's fine, I don't want anything to do with you anymore, keep your stupid life away from me. Logan is crying, he is mad at Vanessa.

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