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Kirsty: I got pregnant, but then i lost the baby when i was 4 months pregnant. Vanessa: I'm sorry to hear that, i have a son, his name is Alex, he is one year. Kirsty: That's great, are you still dating Logan? Vanessa: Yeah, he is Alex's dad. Logan sees them, and goes over to them. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, Logan, do you remember Kirsty? Logan: Yes, I remember her. Kirsty: I hear that you and Vanessa have a child together. Logan: Yeah, me and Vanessa have a son together, I'm taking care of him at the moment. Kirsty: That's good, i was pregnant, but i lost the baby. Logan: That's not good. Kirsty: I know, i'm still sad about it. Logan: I'm sorry to hear that. Kirsty: Thanks, what is Tyler doing? Tyler comes over to them. Logan: There he is. Kirsty: Hey, Tyler, do you remember me? Tyler: Yeah, you're Kirsty. Kirsty: Yes, I'm back. Tyler: That's great, me and Mary are together. Kirsty: That's great. Later: Vanessa goes over to Logan, to pick Alex up. The doorbell rings, Logan opens the door. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: You look great. Vanessa: Thanks, so do you. Logan: Alex, your mother is here. Little Alex comes running over to his mother. Vanessa: Hey, my little cutie, are you ready to come home with me? Vanessa takes Alex up in her arms. Vanessa: Thanks, because you finally took care of our son. Logan: I did it because I love him and I love you. Vanessa: I love you too, and Alex. Vanessa goes home with Alex.

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