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At home: it's evening, Vanessa takes care of Alex. Kirsty and her mother Jennifer, is coming to eat with the Keith family. The doorbell rings. Thomas opens the door. Thomas: Hey, come in. Jennifer: Thanks, for letting me and Kirsty come to dinner. Thomas: You're both welcome. Later: They eat dinner, Vanessa is not very happy that Kirsty and her mother Jennifer are eating with them, but she doesn't say anything. Thomas: Is there anything wrong? Noah: No, Dad. Vanessa: Everything is fine. Thomas: That's good. Suddenly Alex is crying. Vanessa: I have to see if Alex is okay. Vanessa goes into her room, to see why Alex is crying. Vanessa: Hey. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Come here. Vanessa takes little Alex up from the baby bed. Vanessa; You don't want to be alone, is that why you're crying? Alex: Yes. Vanessa takes Alex with her into the kitchen, she puts him down in his baby chair. Kirsty: Is that Alex? Vanessa: Yeah, That's Alex. Jennifer: He is really cute. Vanessa: Thanks. Kirsty: He looks like Logan. Vanessa: I know. Jennifer: We better go home. Thomas: Thanks for coming. Jennifer: It was nice. Thomas: We should go out again? Jennifer: Yeah, i would like that. Thomas and Jennifer are kissing each other, Vanessa sees it, but she dosen't feel happy about it. Next day: At the school: Logan is talking with Vanessa. Logan: How did it go with the Taylor family? Vanessa: It went fine. Logan: I'm happy to hear that. Vanessa: My dad and Kirsty's mom are together. Logan: Are you sad about that? Vanessa: Maybe, a little. Logan: I think you should talk with your dad about it. Vanessa: Yeah, i want to, but it's gonna be hard. Logan: I know.

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