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It's morning, Vanessa sits and eats breakfast, along with her father and her brother. Vanessa: Dad, I didn't expect, that I would get pregnant. Thomas: You are 15, who is the father of the child? Vanessa: I had sex with two guys, I don't know which one of them it is, I'm really sorry, but it's my responsibility, i'm gonna be a mom, no matter if want to or not, i have to take care of the baby after i give birth to it. Vanessa starts to cry, her dad comforts her. Thomas: It's gonna be okay. Vanessa: Aren't you mad at me? Thomas: No, i'm gonna support you. Vanessa: Thanks, dad. Later: at the school. Vanessa is upset. Logan: What's wrong? Vanessa: There's something I want to talk with you about. Logan: Okay. Vanessa: I know that you won't be happy about it. Logan: Tell me what it is? Vanessa: I've done something stupid. Logan: What have you done? Vanessa: Do you remember the week we had sex? Logan: Yeah, I remember. Vanessa: In the same week we had sex, I also had sex with another guy. Logan: With who? Vanessa: I had sex with Tyler. Logan: You had sex with my best friend? Vanessa: Yes, it was stupid. Logan is angry at Vanessa. Vanessa: And there is one more thing. Logan: And what is that? Vanessa: I'm pregnant. Logan: What? Vanessa: I'm sorry, I don't know who the father of my child is, but it can be Tyler or you. Logan: I'm breaking up with you, I hate you, I will never forgive you, because you had sex with my best friend, and that child is not mine, I don't want anything to do with it or with you, we're done. Vanessa: Logan, wait. Logan is mad, he goes home. Vanessa is crying, she goes home.

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