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It's afternoon, The doorbell rings. Thomas opens the door. Mary: Hey, is Vanessa home? Thomas: Yeah, Come in, Vanessa, your friend Mary is here. Vanessa goes over to Mary, with Alex in her arms. Vanessa: Hey, what are you doing here? Mary: Can i ask you something? Vanessa: Sure. Mary: My parents found out that I'm pregnant, they threw me out of the house, I have nowhere to sleep, can I sleep here, until the baby is born? Vanessa: You have to ask my dad if you can. Mary: Okay. They go into the living room, Thomas comes into the living room, and they talk. Logan: Hey, Mary. Mary: Hey. Vanessa: Father, Mary needs a place to stay and sleep, her parents threw her out, can she sleep here? Thomas: Yeah, of course she can. Mary: Thanks, Mr. Keith. Thomas: You're welcome. Vanessa: Alex, do you remember mom's best friend Mary? Alex: No. Mary: Oh. Vanessa: He is a little shy. Mary: That's okay. Logan: Does Tyler knows that you're here? Mary: Yes, he knows. Logan: That's good. Vanessa: I love you so much Alex. Logan: Let me take him, come here. Logan takes Alex up in his arms. Alex: Dad. Logan: Yeah, i'm your dad. Vanessa: He is tired. Logan: I'm putting him in bed. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan goes into Vanessa's room, and puts Alex down in the baby bed, and then Vanessa comes into them. Vanessa: He looks like you. Logan: He looks like you too. Vanessa: He is the one, who keeps us together. Logan: Yeah, he is. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth.

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