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It's morning, Alex ís talking with his dad. Logan: Alex, you have to go to the kindergarden. Alex: Why can't mom come with us? Logan: Mom have to take care of Bella. Alex: Why can't i be home too, like Bella? Logan: Because you're older and you have to go, Bella is too little for the kindergarden, but you're older than her. Alex: Stupid little sister. Logan: She is not stupid, don't say that about your sister, that's not very nice of you, be nice to her. Alex: Okay, i'm sorry, dad. Logan: Come on, let's go. Logan drives Alex to the kindergarden. Later: Logan picks Alex up at the kindergarden, and then they drive home. At home: Alex goes into his mom, Bella is sitting on her mother's lap. Vanessa: Look, Bella, there's your brother Alex. Alex: Hey, mom. Vanessa can see that Alex looks sad. Vanessa: Oh, sweetheart, what's wrong? Alex: Why can't i be home too, like Bella? Vanessa: Because she is too little to be in the kindergarden, i have to take care of her, i did the same for you, when you were a little baby. Alex: Stupid little sister. Bella begins to cry. Vanessa: She's not stupid, that's not nice of you to say that. Alex: I'm sorry, Bella. Vanessa: Look at her, she is cute, just like you. Alex: I know, i'm cute. Vanessa: Yes, you are, you are both cute kids.

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