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At Logan's home: Logan is talking with his mom Alice. Alice: What's wrong? Logan: everything. Alice: Is it about Vanessa? Logan: Yes, sometimes I just treat her so stupid, I'm just confused. Alice: I would like to talk with Vanessa, I think that you should invite her home for dinner. Logan: Okay, Mom. Next day: At the school: Logan goes over to Vanessa to talk with her. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, what do you want? Logan: My mother wants to talk with you. Vanessa: When? Logan: Tonight, if you have time. Vanessa: Okay, I'm coming, but right now, I think that you should save your friendship with Tyler, before it's too late. Logan: Yeah, you're right. Logan goes over to Tyler to talk with him. Logan: Hey. Tyler: Hey. Logan: we gotta talk. Tyler: Fine. Logan: I wanna be friends with you again. Tyler: Me too. Logan: You're probably the father to Vanessa's baby. Tyler: Just because I am more supportive than you, it doesn't mean that it's me, who is the child's father. Logan: I know, it can be me, but i don't know, it's confusing. Tyler: You are not very kind to me or to Vanessa, she is the one who is pregnant, not us. Logan: I know, I'm sorry, because I was so mad at you. Tyler: It's okay. Logan: We should stop arguing with each other. Tyler: Yeah, and Vanessa is gonna find out, which one of us, who is the father of her child. Logan: Yeah, but let's be friends no matter who the baby's dad is. Tyler: Yeah, you're right. Later: In the evening: At Logan's home: Vanessa knocks on the door. Logan's mom opens the door. Alice: Hey, Vanessa, come in. Vanessa: Thanks. They eat, and they talk. Alice: I can see that you are very pregnant. Vanessa: Yeah, it wasn't my plan to become pregnant, it's really confusing, that i don't know who really is the father to my baby. Alice: I know.

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