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It's been a few months, Alex is now 1 year old. it's morning, Logan goes into the baby, and takes him up from the baby bed. Logan: Hey, my little son, are you ready for a new day? Alex looks at his dad. Later: it's afternoon, the doorbell rings, Logan opens the door, with little Alex in his arms. Vanessa: Hey. Noah: Hey. Logan: Look Alex, it's uncle Noah, and your mom, are you happy to see them? Alex looks at his dad, and then at his mom. Vanessa: There's my little boy, come here. Vanessa takes the baby up in her arms. Noah: He looks like Logan. Olivia: He looks like them both. The doorbell rings, it's Mary and Tyler. Logan opens the door. Logan: Hey, come in. They all go into the living room. Vanessa: I can't believe that our little guy is one year old. Logan: Me too. Mary: That means that he is growing up fast. Logan: Yeah. Later: They are all still in the living room, suddenly little Alex begins to cry, Vanessa takes him up in her arms. Vanessa: Oh, Alex, is there too many people in here? Alex is still crying. Tyler: What's wrong with him? Logan: I think he is a little shy. Vanessa: I think that too. Logan: I love you and Alex. Vanessa: We love you too.

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