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It's morning, Vanessa throws up on the toilet, her brother Noah can hear it and goes into her. Noah: What's wrong with you? Vanessa: I'm fine. Noah: You have thrown up. Vanessa: If I tell you, then you have to promise me that you won't tell it, to anyone. Noah: I promise. Vanessa: I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive, I'm pregnant. Noah: Who's the father to your child? Vanessa: I had sex with two guys, so i don't know, and if our dad finds out about this, then I'm finish done, so please don't tell him. Noah: I won't. Vanessa: Thanks. Later: Vanessa goes to the doctor. At the doctor: The doctor examines Vanessa. Doctor: You are pregnant. Vanessa: So the test was right, I really am pregnant. Doctor: Yes, you are. Vanessa begins to cry. Doctor: Why are you crying about that? Vanessa: Because I didn't expected that I would get pregnant, I'm only 15, and i'm gonna be 16 before I give birth. Doctor: I'm sure, it will be all right. Vanessa: Thanks. Vanessa goes to the school. at the school: Logan: Hey, Vanessa. Vanessa: Hey, i don't feel so good. Logan: Are you sick? Vanessa: I don't think that i am. Logan: You'll be fine. Vanessa: Thank you, you are the best boyfriend. Logan: Thank you. Later: At home: Vanessa's father found her pregnancy test, on the toilet, he is not happy about it. Vanessa: Hey, Dad, what's wrong? Thomas: I found this on the toilet, can you explain why it's positive. Vanessa: Yes, dad, it's positive, because I'm pregnant. Thomas get's mad at his daughter.

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