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At the school: Vanessa goes over to Logan, to talk with him. Vanessa: Hey, why didn't you come to my birthday? Logan: I don't know. Vanessa: You didn't come, because I'm pregnant. Logan: Yes, and you think that you can get everything, because you are pregnant. Vanessa: Excuse me, but that's not true. Vanessa begins to cry. Vanessa: You're so mean to me, and I hope not, that you're the father to my baby, leave me alone, go away. Logan: Fine, I'm going now. Vanessa is upset, she's mad at Logan. Mary comes over to Vanessa. Mary: Hey, what's wrong? Vanessa: It's Logan, he has been so cruel to me, since I found out that I am pregnant. Mary: He's probably confused. Vanessa: So am I, but Tyler is more supportive than Logan is. Mary: Maybe it's Tyler who is the father of your child. Vanessa: Tyler is a nice guy, but I'm not in love with him, I'm in love with Logan, but he doesn't care about me and the baby. Mary: I'm sure that Logan is not a bad guy, but he's just confused. Vanessa: He dosen't need to be so cruel to me. Mary: I know, but it's confusing. Vanessa: Yes, I am confused about who really is the father to my child, but i'm gonna find out, after the baby is born. Mary: Okay.

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