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Vanessa drives over to the coffee shop, to talk with Mary's boss if she can get a job at the coffee shop too. At the coffee shop: Vanessa: Hey. Mary: Brandy, that's my friend Vanessa. The boss goes over to Vanessa. Brandy: Hey, i heard from Mary that you're looking for a job. Vanessa: Yeah. Brandy: How many hours can you work? Vanessa: That depends on what time i have to work, i have a son. Brandy: How old is your son? Vanessa: He is 3 years, he just started in kindergarden, but my boyfriend can pick him up, if i have to work. Brandy: Great, can you begin to work here, from Monday, next week, from 9 to 14? Vanessa: Yeah, that's great, thanks. Brandy: You're welcome. Later: Logan picks Alex up at the kindergarden. Logan: Hey, Alex. Alex: Hey, dad. Logan: Did you had a good day? Alex: No, dad. Logan: Why not? Alex: I'm bored. Logan: It will get better soon. Alex: I don't think so. Logan: Let's go home. They drive home. At home: It's evening, they are eating dinner. Vanessa: Logan, i found a job. Logan: That's great, where? Vanessa: At the coffee shop, Mary is also working there. Logan:: That's great. Vanessa: Thanks, how did it go with Alex's first day in the kindergarden. Logan: Alex told me that he dosen't like the kindergarden. Vanessa: It was just the first day, everything is gonna get better, he will make friends. Logan: Yeah, that's what i told him. Vanessa: That's great.

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