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Thomas: You have to talk with Logan. Vanessa: What if i don't want to? Thomas: You told him that Alex should live with you, until you both stopped at school. Vanessa: Yeah, i know. Vanessa sees Logan, she goes over to him. Vanessa: Logan, can we talk? Logan: Sure. Vanessa: I know what i said about our son was stupid, we should both take care of him, i'm sorry. Logan: Yeah, I have done everything I can to prove to you that I am a good father to our son. Vanessa: I know, you're a good dad to him. Logan: Thanks, you're a good mother to him. Vanessa: Thanks. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth. Next day: At Logan's home: Logan sits down, he opens his laptop, to see if he has received an e-mail. He has received an e-mail about the house that he bought. The email says that he must move in within the next 14 days. Logan goes into the living room, to talk with mom and his siblings. Logan: Mom, can we talk? Alice: Sure. Logan: I bought a house to me, Vanessa and Alex, i'm moving. Alice: I'm gonna miss you. Olivia: Me too. Gavin: Can we come and visit you, sometimes? Logan: Yeah, of course you can. Gavin: That's great. Logan: Are you okay with, that i'm moving out? Alice: Yeah, of course, i'm fine with it, you are old enough to move out. Logan: Thanks, mom, i'm gonna miss you too, i need to tell Vanessa the good news. Alice: Yeah.

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