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It's morning, Bella cries, Vanessa stands up to see her. Vanessa: Hey, my little sweetie. Vanessa takes Bella up from her little baby bed. Logan wakes up, he looks at Vanessa and their little daughter Bella. Logan: She looks like you. Vanessa: Yeah, she does, but Alex looks like you. Logan: Yeah, he does. Vanessa puts Bella down in her little baby bed. Logan: I need to tell you something. Vanessa: And what is that? Logan: I wanna start to work, next year, when Bella is 1 year. Vanessa: That's great, we can both work next year, when Bella is gonna be in the daycare, and Alex is still going to the kindergarden. Logan: But i just don't know what i wanna work with, but maybe Tyler has an idea. Vanessa: Yeah, you should ask him about it. Logan: I'll do that. Vanessa: Okay, i'm gonna see what Alex is doing in his room. Logan: Okay.

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