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Vanessa knocks on Alex's door. Alex: Yes. Vanessa: Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing? Alex: I'm playing with my toys. Vanessa: Don't you wanna play with your little sister? Alex: Isn't she too little for toys? Vanessa: No, she isn't. Alex: Okay, mom. Next day: It's morning: Vanessa is getting ready to work. Vanessa: I'm going to work now. Logan: Have a nice day. Vanessa: Thanks, you too, take good care of our little Bella. Logan: I will. Vanessa: I know. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth, and after that Vanessa drives to work. Later: It's almost afternoon: Logan is talking with Tyler. Tyler: What do you wanna talk with me about? Logan: I wanna ask you if you have found a job? Tyler: Yeah, i do, i'm sorry i didn't tell you, i'm just busy at home, with Mary and our daughter Leah. Logan: It's okay, where are you working?

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