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It's been a few months, Alex is now 3 years old, Vanessa and Logan are 19 years, and they are finally living in their own house. In Alex's room: Alex: Dad. Logan: Yes, Alex. Alex: I want mom to read that story again. Logan: But she already said goodnight to you. Alex: I can't sleep, dad. Logan: But you have to sleep, tomorrow is a big day for you, you're starting in the kindergarden. Alex: I know. Logan: I love you. Alex: I love you too, dad. Logan: Goodnight. Alex: Goodnight. Logan goes into Vanessa. Vanessa: Hey, was he hard to get to sleep? Logan: Yeah, but i love him. Vanessa: Me too, he is growing up so fast. Logan: Yeah, he is already 3 years, we better get some sleep. Vanessa: Yeah, goodnight. Logan: Goodnight. Next day: It's morning, and they are getting Alex ready for his first day in kindergarden. They drive him to the kindergarten, they go with him into the kindergarden, to be sure that he is okay. In the kindergarden: Vanessa: Alex, have a good day, dad is coming to pick up later. Alex: Don't go, mom and dad. Logan: Alex, we have to go. Vanessa: Mom needs to look for a job. Alex: Okay, mom. Vanessa: I love you. Alex: I love you too, mom. Logan: You're gonna be okay, i'm coming later to pick up, i love you. Alex: I love you too, dad. Logan and Vanessa drives home, they don't have a job yet. At home: Mary is calling Vanessa. Vanessa: It's Vanessa. Mary: Hey, it's Mary. Vanessa: Hey, how are you? Mary: I'm fine, i just got a job, now that Leah is in the daycare. Vanessa: Alex just started in the kindergarden, where did you get a job? Mary: I'm working at a coffee shop. Vanessa: That's great, do you think that i can work there too, i'm looking for a job. Mary: Yeah, sure, just come and you can talk with my boss about it. Vanessa: Okay, i'm coming. Logan: Where are you going? Vanessa: I have maybe found a job. Logan: That's great. Vanessa: Thanks. 

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