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Later: At grandma's home: Martha: So, you've got a son? Vanessa: Yeah, i was pregnant, he is 2 years, sorry, because I didn't tell you about him before now. Martha: It's okay, I understand. Vanessa: I can't go home today. Martha: You and Alex can stay here until tomorrow. Vanessa: Thank you. Alex is playing with his teddy bear, he goes over to his mom. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Come here. Vanessa takes Alex up. Alex sits on his mother's lap. Vanessa: Alex, that's my grandma, can you say grandma? Alex: Grandma. Martha: You're so cute. Alex is laughing. At the school: Tyler is talking with Logan. Tyler: Where's Vanessa? Logan: I don't know, but she took Alex with her, i miss them. Tyler: Maybe Mary has seen them? Mary: Seen who? Logan: Vanessa and Alex. Mary: No, why, i have my own child with Tyler, to take care of. Logan: Yeah, i know that, how is it going with your child? Mary: She's fine. Logan: That's great. Later: At grandma's home: it's evening. Martha: Are you still dating that guy, you told me about over 2 years ago? Vanessa: Do you mean Logan? Martha: Yes, him. Vanessa: Yeah, i'm still dating him, he is Alex's dad. Martha: That's good, i'm happy to hear that. Vanessa: Logan loves me and Alex very much. Alex: Yes. Vanessa: You'd better get into bed, we have a long day tomorrow, can you say goodnight to grandma? Alex: Night, grandma. Martha: Goodnight Alex. Vanessa puts Alex down into bed, and says goodnight to him.

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