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Thomas: Noah, your sister is gonna give birth. Noah: I can't believe it. Thomas: We'd better get Vanessa to the hospital. They drive Vanessa to the hospital. At the hospital: Tyler and Mary comes quickly to the hospital, to support Vanessa, they are waiting for her to finally give birth. Mary: Vanessa, is there someone I should call? Vanessa: Is Logan here? Mary: No, should I call him? Vanessa: Yeah, I need him to be here. Mary: Okay. Mary is calling Logan. Logan: It's Logan. Mary: It's Mary, I'm calling to tell you, that Vanessa is in the hospital, she is gonna give birth, I think that you should come. Logan: I'm coming. Tyler: Is Logan coming? Mary: He is coming. Alice: Who was that? Logan: Vanessa is in the hospital, she will give birth. Alice: We'd better go there. Logan: Yes. Logan and his mother drives to the hospital. At the hospital: After a few hours: the doctor is coming, to tell the others, that Vanessa finally have giving birth. Doctor: Vanessa has given birth to the child. Thomas: Is she all right? Doctor: She's fine. Noah: What about the baby? Doctor: The baby are doing well. Noah: Okay. Mary: Can we see her and the baby? Doctor: Yes, but the family first, friends afterwards. Mary: Okay. Thomas and Noah are the first to go in and see the baby, afterwards goes Tyler and Mary in to see Vanessa and the baby. Logan and his mother Alice, finally comes to the hospital. Logan: How is Vanessa? Tyler: She's fine. Mary: Go into her, she is waiting for you. Logan: Okay. Logan goes into Vanessa, she sits with the little baby in her arms. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: How are you? Vanessa: I'm fine. Logan: Is that a boy or a girl? Vanessa: It's a boy. Logan: What is gonna be his name? Vanessa: His name is gonna be Alex. Logan: It's a good name. Vanessa: Yeah, you and Tyler have to take a DNA test to see which one of you, who is Alex's father. Tyler and Logan takes a DNA test to find out, who the real father to Alex is.

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