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Alex goes into the kitchen with his dad Logan. Vanessa: Hey, you two. Logan: Hey. Alex is sad, because he feels that his parents dosen't have much time for him, because Bella needs to be taking care of much more, because she is a little baby. Logan: Alex is sad. Vanessa: Why is he sad? Logan: I don't think we're spending enough time with him. Vanessa: Yeah, because i have to work, and you have to take care of Bella. Logan: What if i'm spending more time with him, and with Bella at the same time? Vanessa: That would be good, our kids are gotta be more close to you, than me. Logan: Don't say that, you know they love you, just like i do. Vanessa: I know. Later: It's afternoon, Logan and Vanessa are talking about that he soon wants to get the job at the hotel. Logan: I'm gonna start to fill my application for the job at the hotel. Vanessa: I just hope you get the job there. Logan: Me too, how is it going at your work?

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