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It's afternoon, Vanessa, Logan and Alex, are gonna visit Vanessa's dad Thomas and his girlfriend Jennifer, and Vanessa's brother Noah. At Vanessa's dad's home: The doorbell is ringing. Thomas opens the door. Vanessa: Hey, dad. Logan: Hey, Thomas. Alex: Grandpa. Thomas: Hey, Alex, you're growing up so fast. They go into the living room. Thomas: Vanessa, it's great to see you again. Vanessa: Thanks, dad, i miss you so much. Noah comes into the living room. Noah: Vanessa, great to see you. Vanessa: Thanks, you too. Noah: How's the little guy? Vanessa: He is fine. Logan: It's great to see all of you, where's Kirsty? Jennifer: She just moved out, she is back with Leo. Vanessa: So, they are living together? Jennifer: Yes. Logan: Vanessa, why don't you tell your family about our good news? Thomas: What good news? Vanessa: Oh, yeah. Noah: Tell us please. Vanessa: Noah, dad, Jennifer, i'm pregnant. Thomas: That's great news, congratulations. Vanessa: Thank you, dad. Later: Alex is sitting on his uncle Noah's lap. Noah: Alex, are you looking forward to that your mom and dad is gonna have a new baby? Alex: Yes, uncle Noah. Noah: That's great. Thomas: Vanessa, how long have you been pregnant? Vanessa: Almost 4 months. Thomas: That's great. Vanessa: Yeah, it is. Logan: We can't wait to see the new baby. Vanessa: Yeah, that's true.

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