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At home: Vanessa and Logan are talking together in their bedroom. Logan: You have to be careful, you have a person inside of you, you have to take care of it and yourself. Vanessa: I am taking care of myself, and the baby. Logan: I don't wanna lose you or the baby. Vanessa: I'm afraid, what if i have done something wrong? Logan: You're working very hard, to make me and Alex happy, we want you to be happy too, you're doing very much for us, we wanna take care of you. Vanessa: Thanks, you're so sweet. Logan and Vanessa are kissing each other on the mouth. Next day: It's morning: Vanessa is pregnant, but she wants to get to work. Logan: Are you going to work? Vanessa: Yeah, i'm taking the buss. Logan: I think you should stay home. Vanessa: I'm fine, i can work, i have to. Logan: But you're 7 months in your pregnancy, you can't keep on working, you need to relax, before the baby is coming. Vanessa: I can work, and that's what i'm gonna do. Logan: Fine, do it, if it's pleasing you. Vanessa takes the buss to her work.

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