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Doctor: I said that you're pregnant. Vanessa: But can you tell me, how far i am in my pregnancy? Doctor: You're in your second month. Vanessa: Thanks. Vanessa drives home. At home: Logan: Hey, were you at the doctor? Vanessa: Yeah, i was. Logan: Was it serious? Vanessa: No, not so bad. Logan: What did he tell you? Vanessa: What would you say if our family got a little bigger? Logan: Wait a minute, what are you trying to tell me? Vanessa: I'm trying to tell you, that i'm pregnant. Logan kisses Vanessa on the mouth. Logan: I'm happy about that. Vanessa: Me too, but we have to tell Alex that there's coming a new baby. Logan: Yeah, we should tell him. Alex is in his room, he is playing with his toys, Logan and Vanessa goes into him, to talk with him. Logan: Hey, Alex, me and mom wants to talk with you. Alex: Okay. Vanessa: Alex, mommy is pregnant. Alex: What does that mean, mom? Vanessa: It means that i'm having a baby. Alex: But where is the baby? Vanessa: The baby is in mommy's stomach. Alex: How did it get in there? Vanessa: That's a long story, you will understand when you get older. Alex: Okay, mom.

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