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Logan: Vanessa, no, i'm not letting you give up, you just gave birth to him, you need to take care of him. Vanessa: I don't think that i can. Tyler: You can take care of him. Vanessa: And i haven't found out who of you, who is the real father to Alex, it's hard for me. Logan: Soon, you'll get a letter from the hospital, and then you know the answer you want to know. Vanessa: Thanks, i know. Logan: Does your father know about this? Vanessa: No, not yet, but i will tell him. Logan: I think you are good mother to the baby, because you're his mom, he needs you, he loves you. Logan goes, he is really mad because of what Vanessa is saying about the baby. Tyler: Wow, he is really mad at you. Vanessa: What do you think? Tyler: I think you should take care of the baby, Logan is right about that. Vanessa: But i need to talk about this with my dad. Later: At home: Vanessa goes over to her dad, to talk with him. Vanessa: Dad, we need to talk about the baby. Thomas: What's wrong with the baby? Vanessa: Nothing, is just hard for me to take care of him. Thomas: What, why are you saying that?

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