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It's morning, little Alex, is standing in his little baby bed, he can see that his father is sleeping. Alex: Dad. Logan wakes up, he can that Alex is woken up. Logan: Hey, my little guy, you're already awake? Logan takes Alex up from the little baby bed. He drives Alex to the daycare, but the daycare is closed today, so Logan is calling Vanessa on the phone. Vanessa: It's Vanessa. Logan: It's Logan, I just got to the daycare, they are closed today, what do i do about Alex? Vanessa: Come to the school with him, we'll figure it out. Logan: Okay. Logan drives to the school. At the school: Vanessa goes outside to wait for Logan. Logan finally comes, he takes Alex with him. Logan: Look, mom is here. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Come here. Vanessa takes little Alex up in her arms, and goes into the school, everybody is looking at her, because she has the baby with her in the school. Her teacher sees her with the baby at the school, she wants to talk with Vanessa. Teacher: Vanessa, can we talk? Vanessa: Yeah. She takes Alex with her. In the staff room: Teacher: Vanessa, why do you have your child with you at the school? Vanessa: Because the daycare is closed today, i don't know what else to do. Teacher: I can take care of him for you while you fit your school today. Vanessa: Thank you, that would be a big help for me and Logan.

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