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It's morning, Vanessa and Logan are talking. Vanessa: You still haven't found a job? Logan: No, i wanna stay home this year, i will find a job next year, i wanna help you, i can pick up you from your work, and i can pick Alex up in the kindergarden. Vanessa: Okay, i understand that you wanna help me, you're so sweet. Logan: You're so sweet too. Vanessa: I better go on work. Logan: Have a nice day. Vanessa: Thanks, you too. Vanessa takes the buss, to her work on the coffee shop. At the coffee shop: Vanessa is throwing up again. Brandy: Mary, did Vanessa tell you what's wrong with her? Mary: No, she didn't tell me why, all i know is that she keeps throwing up. Brandy: She told me why she is throwing up so much, but i can't tell you why. Mary: Okay. Later: It's afternoon: Vanessa takes the buss home. At home: Vanessa is coming home, Alex runs over to her. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Alex, i'm sorry, but mom can't lift you. Alex: Why not? Vanessa: Because i'm pregnant. Alex: Oh. They go into the kitchen, to Logan.

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