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It's afternoon, Vanessa and Logan are the hospital again, to check up on the new baby. Logan: Does everything look okay? Doctor: Yeah, the baby is fine, but Vanessa, you seem a little stressed. Vanessa: That's just because of my work. Doctor: You need to relax soon, or else the baby can be in danger. Vanessa: I'll be fine, and the baby too. On the way out from the hospital, Vanessa and Logan meets Tyler at the hospital. Tyler sees them, and goes over to them. Tyler: Hey, what are you doing here? Vanessa: Nothing. Logan: What are you doing here? Tyler: Leah forgot her teddy bear, she was just in for a check up. Vanessa: Tyler, please don't tell Mary that you have seen me and Logan here. Tyler: I'll try to. Vanessa: Thanks. Tyler: I gotta go, Leah is out in the car, she is waiting on me. Logan: Okay. Tyler goes out to Mary and Leah. Tyler: Guess who i just ran into? Mary: Who? Tyler: Vanessa and Logan. Mary: What were they doing at the hospital? Tyler: I don't know, they didn't tell me. Mary: I'll find out soon why, trust me, the truth is gonna come out. Tyler: Yeah, i hope so.

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