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Next day: At the school: Kirsty's ex boyfriend Leo Carter, comes suddenly to the school, he wants to talk with Kirsty. Leo sees Vanessa and goes over to her. Leo: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, Leo, what are you doing here? Leo: I'm looking for Kirsty. Vanessa: Oh. Leo: Do you know where she is? Vanessa: I haven't seen her yet. Leo goes, he is looking for Kirsty. After Leo is going, Kirsty is coming. Vanessa: Guess who's looking for you? Kirsty: I don't know, who? Vanessa: Leo is here, at the school, he is looking for you. Kirsty: What does he want from me? Vanessa: I have no idea. Later: Leo is still looking for Kirsty, suddenly she can see that Leo is there, she goes, but Leo already saw her, he follows after her. Leo: Kirsty, wait. She stops, and goes over to him. Kirsty: Leo, what are you doing here? Leo: I was looking for you, i wanna talk with you. Kirsty: I don't have much time to talk. Leo: I just wanna know if the baby is okay? Kirsty: What baby are you talking about? Leo: Our baby. Kirsty: There is no baby, i lost the baby when i was pregnant. Leo: And you didn't tell me. Kirsty: I'm sorry, i have to go, leave me alone. Leo: Wait. Logan goes over to Leo. Logan: Hey, leave Kirsty alone. Leo: Why, i just want to talk with her. Logan: But she dosen't want to talk with you. Leo: I wish she would.

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