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Next day: At Logan's home: It's afternoon, Logan and Olivia, is waiting to meet Gavin, their half brother. The doorbell is ringing, Alice opens the door. Alice: Hey Gavin. Gavin: Hey mom. Alice: Come in. They go into the living room. Alice: This is Gavin, your half brother. Logan: Hey, i'm Logan. Oliva: I'm Olivia. Gavin: I'm Gavin Brown Johnson, nice to meet you both, so your my brother and my sister. Logan: Yes. Gavin: And this is my dad. Logan: Hey. Olivia: Hey. Toby: Nice to meet you both, i'm Gavin's dad, Toby Brown. Alex is in Logan's room, he is playing with his toys, Gavin can hear the noise in the house. Gavin: Is there another person in this house? Logan: Yeah, there is. Gavin: Who? Logan: It's just my son, Alex. Gavin: You have a son? Logan: Yeah, me and my girlfriend Vanessa have a son. Gavin: Can i see him? Logan: Okay, come with me. They go into Logan's room. Logan: Alex, i want you to meet someone. Alex: Who? Logan takes Alex up into his arms. Logan: This is Gavin, he is my half brother, he is your uncle, can you say hey to him. Alex: No. Logan: Sorry, he is a little shy. Gavin: That's okay, how old is he? Logan: He is 2 years. Later: At Vanessa's home: it's evening. Noah: Are you happy? Vanessa: Yeah, i'm happy for dad. Noah: Me too, i can't believe that Kirsty is our sister. Vanessa: Yeah, i have known Kirsty for a long time, and now she is our sister. Noah: Yeah, she is.

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