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At Logan's home: Alice is talking with her kids. Alice: Logan, Olivia, i know that this is a big decision, but what will you say, if Gavin moved in here, with his dad? Olivia: It's okay with me. Logan: Me too, we wanna get to know our brother. Gavin: Thanks. Alice: So, Gavin you can move in here, with your dad Toby. Gavin: Yeah. Logan: Vanessa is coming over to pick up Alex. Olivia: That's great. Logan: Yeah. The doorbell is ringing, Olivia opens the door. Olivia: Hey, Vanessa, come in. Vanessa: Thanks, i'm here to pick up Alex. Olivia: You know where they are. Vanessa: Yeah. Vanessa goes into Logan's room, Gavin is in there too. Vanessa: Hey, Logan. Logan: Hey. Gavin: Hey, I'm Gavin, I'm Logan's brother, you must be Vanessa, Logan's girlfriend. Vanessa: Yeah, nice to meet you. Gavin: Thanks. Vanessa goes over to Logan, he is holding Alex in his arms. Vanessa: Hey, Alex. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Are you ready to come with me? Alex: Yes. Vanessa takes Alex up in her arms. Alex: Bye, Dad. Logan: I love you both. Vanessa: We love you too. Vanessa and Alex goes home.

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