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It's afternoon: Logan comes over to Vanessa to talk about Alex, and how they are gonna take care of him. Vanessa and Logan are fighting about the baby. Logan: When can i take care of Alex, you have him the most of the time. Vanessa: I'm his mom, i gotta take care of him. Logan: But i wanna take care of him too, he is also my son. Noah can hear that Vanessa and Logan are arguing over their child. Noah: I can hear you. Vanessa: I'm sorry. Noah: You have to find a solution over who should take care of the child. Vanessa: You're right, we need to find a solution. Logan: Yeah, we can't keep fighting over our child, our parents should find a soultion about this with us, tonight. Later: In the evening: Alice, Thomas, Logan and Vanessa are talking in the living room, about what Vanessa and Logan can do to find a soultion on how they can share and take care of their child. Logan: I wanna take care of Alex, just as much as you do. Vanessa: I know. Logan: You had him all the time, when you kept me away from him. Vanessa: Yeah, i'm sorry about that. Alice: I think Logan deserves to take care of Alex, don't you think that? Thomas: Yes, of course i think that, he is Alex's dad. Vanessa: But how are we both gonna take care of him? Logan: I want him to spend time with me and my family.

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