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At Vanessa's home: Thomas: Hey, where have you been? Vanessa: I was visting mom. Thomas: I miss your mom so much. Vanessa: Me too, i wish she could see Alex. Thomas: I know. Vanessa: I feel like, that Alex is a gift from mom. Thomas: Maybe he is. Vanessa: Yeah. Next day: It's afternoon, Mary is visting Vanessa and the baby. The baby begins to cry. Vanessa: I'm gonna see if Alex is okay. Mary: Okay. Vanessa goes into her room, to see the baby. Vanessa: Come with me. Vanessa takes little Alex up from the baby bed, and she takes him with her into the living room. Vanessa: Look, Alex, that's Mary, she is my best friend. Mary: He is so cute. Vanessa: Yeah, but i think it's hard. Mary: What is hard? Vanessa: To take care of Alex, he is so little. Mary: He is gonna be fine. Vanessa: I know, but I'm only 16 years. Mary: He has a good family, he have you, your dad and your brother, and his dad. Vanessa: His dad, yeah, if only i knew who his real dad is. Next day: At the school: Tyler and Logan goes over to Vanessa. Logan: Hey. Tyler: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Tyler: What's wrong? Vanessa: Everything. Logan: What do you mean? Vanessa: It's really hard to take care of the baby. Tyler: You can take care of him. Vanessa: Thanks, but i'm not doing a good job at being a mother, i feel like that i can't be a mother. Tyler: What?

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