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Alex: I can't sleep. Vanessa: Why can't you sleep? Alex: I don't know, i just can't. Logan: Do you want me to go with you, into your room? Alex: Yes, dad. Logan goes with Alex, into his room. Logan: Sleep well, my boy, i love you. Alex: I love you too, dad. Next day: At the coffee shop: Vanessa, Noah, Mary, Carlos and Olivia are working at the coffee shop. Olivia and Carlos begins to fight with each other. Olivia: Carlos, it shouldn't be there. Carlos: Yes, it should. Olivia: No, it shouldn't. Carlos: Yes, it should. Olivia: No. Vanessa: Stop the fighting, you two. Olivia: He won't listen to me. Calos: Because i'm right. Olivia: No, you don't have. Vanessa: I guess you two like each other? Olivia: No, i don't like him. Carlos: I don't like her either. Vanessa: Oh, okay. Olivia and Carlos are suddenly looking at each other, they begin to kiss each other on the mouth. Noah sees them kissing each other. Noah: Oh, they do like each other. Vanessa: I knew it.

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