Chapter 5 Ariel teaches Virginia spells part 2

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Virginia looked at me. "That was a whole lot." Virginia said. I copied the spell on another piece of paper and gave it to her. I'm just doing that for the spells she could definitely use. "Alright, time for the next spell." I said. "Which is..." Virginia said. "Fairy blessings." I said. "Fairy blessings? Are you serious?" Virginia asked. "I am." I said as I gave her this look that I would usually give someone if I was being serious. "Okay, this one is short, and I mean like really short." I said. Then I did the spell. "To be blessed by a fairy is one of the most precious gifts. If possible, save the dust cast from her wings. It will prove invaluable for conjuring." I said. "Wow, that one was short." Virginia said. "Some of these spells are really short. The next one is not really a spell but it's more like a recipe to cure memory loss." I said. "Really?" Virginia asked. "Yeah." I said. Then I showed her the recipe. "Okay, how are we going to get unicorn blood if unicorns aren't even real?" Virginia asked. "My cousin April is a veterinarian. She can give us black stallion blood. All I have to do is ask her for some." I said. "Then we would be able to give it to someone with memory loss." Virginia said. "Not exactly. You actually have to know the person really well, never give it to strangers, they might try to kidnap you if you try to give it to a stranger." I said. "Okay." Virginia said. "Okay, how about we take a break." I said. "Sounds good to me." Virginia said. While we were taking our break Virginia went onto the computer to see what it said about the dragon totem because it's not in the book that has the spells in it. Our break was at least fifteen minutes long. Then we got back to learning the spells. "Alright Virginia, the next one is used for better hair. This one is really easy. Check this out. Beware, forswear, replace the old with new hair." I said as I moved my finger from right to left, then back to the right, then from above her to down on her head. Her hair looked cool. "Wow, that was cool. My hair is totally different." Virginia said. "That was nothing, here's the reversal spell. Beware, forswear, undo Virginia's hair." I said as I did the same movement that changed her hair. As I was looking for the next recipe/spell Virginia told me that she wants to make some cookies for George. "What's the occasion?" I asked. "Nothing special. It's just that I have feelings for him, and I mean like romantic feelings. But I haven't told him because I don't think he feels the same way." Virginia said. "Well, there's a recipe in here for that. It's a little different. I did it once, it was like I ripped up the recipe." I said.

We went into the kitchen to make the cookies. "Alright, I have all of the ingredients except for one." I said. "What are you missing?" Virginia asked. "I'm missing a tear of human sadness. The only problem is that I don't know how I'm supposed to get a tear of human sadness, unless..." I said. "Unless what?" Virginia asked. "Unless one of us can think of the saddest thing that has ever happened to us." I said. "Well, what's the saddest thing that has ever happened to you?" Virginia said. I couldn't say anything. "Ariel, what's wrong?" Virginia asked. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "Why?" Virginia asked. "I just can't." I said. "Is it because someone you're close to died?" Virginia asked. I nodded. "Who died?" Virginia asked. "My biological mom." I said. "Oh, Ariel, I had no idea. I'm so sorry for your loss." Virginia said. "Thanks." I said. "I saw one of your tears fall into the bowl that has sugar, brown sugar, butter, vanilla extract, and eggs in it." Virginia said. "Alright, let me mix it in while you're mixing the flour, salt and baking soda together." I said. We mixed the two mixtures together and I had Virginia say the spell. "Take his heart and lay it at my feet. Fill him with a sense of awe for strength and beauty and promise under the constellation of Orion and the star procyon. Breathe love into him, aloft the momentthis biscuit becomes him. Moving past his parted lips." Virginia said. Then we shaped the mixture into cookies and baked them for twelve to fifteen minutes. Then we moved them onto a cooling rack. "So, how many were you going to give George?" I asked. "I was thinking somewhere between five and ten." Virginia said. "How about you give him eight of the sixteen cookies that we made." I said. "Sounds great." Virginia said. After splitting it evenly we went back to my room for the next spell. "Okay, the next one is the hero's dilemma. This one is the one that almost all power rangers use. And I say almost all because the evil rangers don't use it." I said. "So, are the power rangers the only ones who can use it?" Virginia asked. "Any type of hero can use the spell but the only record of anyone using the spell was the one about the rangers and their powers." I said. Then I did the spell. "The hero will fight valiantly. Sword in hand, he will faceoff against the villain, ready to bring the moment to a crisis. He lives by his ideals- a code of honor never broken, a desire to help others. On this battlefield, the one staged between hero and villain, his goodness will not serve him. Wait for the moment of weakness, for a softening of his temperament. Use his empathy against him, and his life will be your reward." I said. "What was that one supposed to do?" Virginia asked. "It's supposed to give guidance to the rangers who don't have a lot. There is a chant for wisdom but none of the rangers use it. They said it was only used by young rangers, but only the ones that are under thirteen years old." I said. "Okay, so you taught me the one used to detect deception but how do I know if I'm being used?" Virginia asked. "Here's how to tell if your being used. If he or she only wants to spend time with you when you are doing something for him or her, if he or she constantly asks you for favors, if he or she never asks questions about your life, if he or she shows little to no interest in meeting your friends, and if he or she is cold when you refuse to do something they ask." I said. Next up was the hero's future spell. The villains had their own version so I decided to write one for heros. "Alright Virginia, here's the last spell for today. It's almost dinner time so I have to teach you this one before then. This one is called the hero's future. Here's how it goes. When you choose goodness, the world comes alive again. Life is breathed into everything you do. Every thought, action, and desire is pure, and people shine in the light of your presence. A hero's future is abundant. A hero cannot be stopped, no matter how hard anyone tries. The world opens like a flower when you choose good." I said. "So, do any kinds of heros use that one too?" Virginia asked. "Oh yeah, especially the power rangers." I said. "Wow, I didn't know that." Virginia said. "There are some more spells in the other book but we'll save those ones for a different time." I said. "Alright, I should probably head home anyway. I don't want my parents to worry about me." Virginia said as she got up. "Yeah, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I asked. "Yeah, unless I get sick or something." Virginia said. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I said as she walked out. The next morning I walked up to Tommy while I was waiting for class to start. "Hey Tommy." I said. "Hey Ariel, what's up?" Tommy asked.

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