Chapter 26 Calvin takes care of Ariel & going back to school

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I couldn't believe it. "It seemed like a few hours." I said. The next day I was able to go back home. I'm too weak to help the rest of the rangers, at least for a while. Calvin decided that he was going to take care of me until I get my strength back. "Are you comfortable Ariel?" Calvin asked. "Yes Calvin, I'm comfortable. Look, you don't have to babysit me. I'll be fine." I said. "You're my little sister. I'm supposed to take care of you. Plus, you know what Dr. Jacobs said." Calvin said. "He said to rest, not hibernate. I can take care of myself." I said. "You were in a coma. I'm still gonna help you out today." Calvin said. Then Tommy called. "I got it." Calvin said before answering the phone. "Hello?" Calvin asked. "Hey Calvin, it's Tommy." Tommy said. "Hey Tommy, what's up?" Calvin asked. "Is Ariel available? I want to talk to her." Tommy said. "Sure, just let me give her the phone." Calvin said before handing the phone to me. "Hey Tommy." I said. "Hey Ariel, how are you doing today?" Tommy asked. "I'm doing okay, it's just that I won't be able to help you guys in any battles until I get my strength back." I said. "Okay, so when do you think that will be?" Tommy asked. "Not sure." I said. "Alright, a few friends and I are going to hang out at the youth center this afternoon. We'll come visit you tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" Tommy asked. "I'll have to see if Calvin allows it." I said. "Alright, just let me know when you find out." Tommy said. "Alright." I said. Then we said goodbye to each other and hung up. When Calvin went to the kitchen to make breakfast for me I got off my bed and walked over to my bookshelf. I just got done reading the werewolf novel that I have been reading for the past few months.

"Which book should I start with next?" I asked myself

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"Which book should I start with next?" I asked myself. Then I saw Misty of Chincoteague.

"I haven't read Misty of Chincoteague in a long time

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"I haven't read Misty of Chincoteague in a long time." I said as I grabbed it. Then Calvin came in and saw that I was out of bed. "Ariel, what are you doing out of bed?" Calvin asked. I turned to face him. "I'm looking for a book to read." I said. "Get back in bed. I'll find a book for you." Calvin said. I got back into bed. "What book did you want?" Calvin asked. "I have it here. Misty of Chincoteague." I said. Calvin turned to face me. "Are you sure that's not too hard to read? You shouldn't strain yourself with the history of that island." Calvin said. "I think I can handle it." I said. "Alright then. What else needs doing? Looks like the carpet needs vacuuming. Where's the vacuum cleaner?" Calvin asked. "Where we always keep it. In the dining room by the china cabinet. I can do it later Calvin." I said. "I'll do it." Calvin said. After he vacuumed the carpet and did all of the dusting that is usually my chores are done he came back over to me. "Okay, that's it for the vacuuming and dusting." Calvin said. "Thank you Calvin." I said with a little sarcasm. He didn't really notice the sarcasm in my voice. "Alright, just to let you know, no getting up without permission. Okay, but only until you get some strength back. Just give me, dad, or Anna a shout if you need anything." Calvin said as he walked out. "Sometimes I can't stand him." I said to myself. Later that day I asked Calvin if my friends could come and visit. He's totally fine with it, which I was happy about. I texted Tommy, letting him know that Calvin is totally fine with it. He texted me back saying that he'll see me tomorrow, and he'll bring the others with him. The next day I moved to the living room for the day. At nine o clock in the morning the other rangers came to my house. Calvin answered the door when they rang the doorbell. "Hey guys." I said as they walked in. "Hey, how's my gorgeous girl today?" John asked before we started to kiss each other. "Guys, get a room." Tommy said. "Reminds you of how you and Kimberly were, huh?" Jason said. "Yeah, but she broke up with me." Tommy said. "Tommy, aren't you with Katherine now?" I asked. "Yeah." Tommy said. "You guys are a cute couple." John said. "Well, you and Kimberly were a cute couple as well." I said. "I think we should change the subject." Jason said. "Good idea. What are you guys doing tomorrow?" I asked. "Not sure." Rocky said. "Well, here's an idea, you guys could hang out at the youth center." I said. "I guess we could do that." John said. "What are you going to do tomorrow?" Kaitlyn asked. "I don't know. Probably just going to watch some tv and play wizard101 on my laptop." I said. "Alright, whenever we get a new alert we'll let you know what's up." John said. "Alright you guys, just be careful." I said. "Don't worry, we will." Tommy said. A few weeks later I was able to go hang out with my friends without my brother constantly hovering over me. School started up again and a few months later we had a test in history. I was at my locker when the rest of them came up to me. "Hey, you ready for the big test in history today?" John asked. "Yeah, ready as I'll ever be." I said as I grabbed my science textbook out of my locker since I have science right after history. "Cool." Jason said. I noticed that Bri was having trouble with opening her locker. "Hey Bri, need a little help?" I asked. "Yeah. I can't get my locker open. I put in the combination and it won't open." Brianna said. "Did you put it in correctly?" I asked. "Maybe." Brianna said. "Double check the locker combination on your schedule." I said. Brianna got her schedule out and looked at the locker combination. "I see the problem. I mixed up the second and third number on the combination." Brianna said. Then she put it in the right way and it opened. "Thanks for your help." Bri said. "No problem. I got to get to history. I'll see you in science class." I said. "Alright, see you later." Bri said as I walked away with my friends. As we walked to our history class we were talking. "So, I told Tanya and Adam that we can meet them after school at the youth center." Jason said. "Actually guys, I can't make it today." I said. "Why?" Tommy asked. "Family issues." I said. "Can you hang out with us tomorrow?" Jason asked. "We'll see." I said. After school I went back home. I decided to work on my homework until my dad and stepmom got home from work. The minute they get home is the minute I'm going to have to work out the family issues. I already have enough that I have to deal with, and these issues are just causing me more stress. Meanwhile at the youth center the others met with Tanya and Adam. "Hey guys." Tommy said. "Hey." Tanya said. "Where's Ariel?" Adam said. "She's got some family issues that she needs to take care of so she won't be able to hang out with us today. I guess I just forgot to let you guys know." John said. "I gotta tell you, that test was hard." Jason said. "No shit sherlock. Adam and I took it last week." Tanya said. "Well, there's a lot of things I love about school but tests aren't one of them." Tommy said. "Ariel is the same way. Well, that and the fact that she gets bullied every day. That's just so damn stupid, you know? I mean, she's nice to everyone and she still gets bullied. I just don't get it. What did she ever do to them?" John asked. "Nothing." Kaitlyn said. "Exactly. All she ever did to them was be nice and all they've been are jagoffs." John said. "What does jagoff mean?" Tommy asked.

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