Chapter 28 the time loop part 2

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That's when Tommy told them that the cogs must have something to do with it. "I don't know you guys. I mean, it's been pretty quiet all day. We haven't even seen a cog." Jason said. "You guys go look back there, see if there's anything." I said. They looked behind some bushes and saw Prince Sprocket, Clank, and cogs. They came back over to us. "You guys really can see the future." Katherine said. "This is confusing. What isn't is that Ariel has told me something." Tommy said. "And we're about to feel a lot worse." I said. "You guys were right. The machines are up to something." Jason said. "What do you think they want?" Rocky asked. "Why would they want to keep repeating time?" Katherine asked. "I'm not sure. Let's contact Tanya and Adam and teleport to the command center before time runs out." I said. Then we all teleported out of there. "Hey, that's not fair. The zeo rangers ran away before the cogs could ambush them and they're gone." Prince Sprocket said. Meanwhile at the command center we just got there. "Rangers, how nice of you to drop by for a surprise visit. Just passing time?" Alpha said. "You don't know how right you are Alpha." Tommy said. Then Tanya and Adam showed up. "What's up you guys?" Tanya said. "The machines are altering time somehow. Today has been repeating over and over again. And Ariel thinks it's some kind of time loop." Tommy said. "That's strange. We haven't noticed anything different." Alpha said. "Well, Tommy and Ariel seem to be the only ones to detect the wrinkle in time." Katherine said. "Perhaps Tommy's recent experience with Gasket's brain drain has left him hypersensitive to aberrations in the space-time continuum. But with Ariel, it's way more complex. We don't know why she can detect it too." Zordon said. "I'll scan Tommy's brain for any irregularities." Alpha said. "What about me? What am I, chopped liver?" I asked. "We'll have to do something different with you." Zordon said. "I don't mean to be a bitch Zordon, but I really want to know why I can detect the wrinkle in time too." I said. Alpha scans Tommy's brain. "This brain scan confirms it. Tommy's slightly altered brain chemistry can detect even the slightest temporal disturbance." Zordon said. "Sorry that we ever doubted you." Rocky said while facing Tommy. Then Alpha analyzed Tommy's brainwave pattern. "An analysis of today's waveform patterns shows abnormalities that indicate the presence of what appears to be a time loop." Alpha said. "Okay, that explains it with Tommy but not with Ariel." John said. "Alpha, can you scan Ariel's brain and see if you get anything?" Zordon said. "I can try, but I doubt I'll get anything." Alpha said. They actually ended up doing a full-body scan on me. Then Alpha analyzed what he got from it. "This analysis of her body indicates that when she got hit with the lazer from the lazer pistol she got a memory." Alpha said. "A memory of what?" Kaitlyn said. "You guys remember that one time when Rita Repulsa was trying to trap all of us in a time warp? That's like what's going on now. Only, it's different." I said. "Different, how?" Kaitlyn asked. "We knew about the time warp thing before it happened, but with this one we didn't know about it till now." I said. "So, the machines are controlling time." Katherine said. "But how?" Adam said. Zordon triangulated the source until we saw what looked like a glass ball on the viewing globe. "Just look at what has been hiding on the other side of that time hole." Alpha said. "A huge cog battle fleet." Adam said. "The machines must have paused time on earth so their invasion fleet can travel through space." Tommy said. "And by the looks of it, it looked like they were planning to attack us by surprise." I said. This situation is very dangerous zeo rangers. You must destroy the source of the time loop immediately or all is lost." Zordon said. "Alright, we'll be ready for trouble." I said before looking over at Tommy. "Right. It's morphing time!" Tommy said. Then we all morphed.

"Zeo ranger six purple!" I said to morph. "Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. Then we teleported to where the time loop device is. "Okay guys, be careful. We don't know what this thing can do." Tommy said. "Yeah, let's check it out first." Jason said. That's when Prince Gasket knew that we were on to him. "They're on to us. We'd better send the protectron to guard chono sapiens. Why must they be so nosy?" Prince Gasket said. "Okay, here it goes." Tommy said. "Be careful Tommy." I said. Before he could even touch it we got attacked. "We've got company." Jason said. "You don't know what you're messing with." The protectron said. "You don't know who you're messing with." John said. "I know that in me you met your match." The protectron said. "Let's find out." Tommy said before we started to fight him. "Those fools are ruining your foolproof plan." Archeria said. "If they destroy chono sapiens the time loop will be broken. The invasion force won't be able to reach the earth in time." Prince Gasket said. "They must be stopped." Archeria said. Back on earth we were still fighting the protectron. "Hey no fair. My brother's monsters got to the rangers before us. We've got to finish them off before Gasket's monster gets the chance. Go get them." Prince Sprocket said. I noticed the cogs coming at us. "Cogs." I said. "Jason, you, Katherine, Tanya, Adam, and Kaitlyn take care of the cogs. Ariel, you and John get the crystal ball. I'll take care of this guy." Tommy said. "You got it Tommy!" I said before turning to John. "Let's go!" I said. And then Prince Gasket shows up with Archeria. Jason somehow noticed him. "Enough. What do you want Gasket?" Jason asked. "For you to stay out of my business." Prince Gasket said. "Maybe I can help." Archeria said before shooting six to seven arrows at them. They were all sent to the ground. "Now it's my turn." Prince Gasket said before we went to go fight them. Meanwhile by chono sapiens Tommy was still fighting the protectron. "I'm tired of this game." The protectron said. "I couldn't agree more. Zeo lazer pistol!" Tommy said as he pulled it out. At the same time John and I got the crystal ball. "The time has come to say goodbye to the chono sapiens." I said. Then John and I smashed the crystal ball while Tommy took down the protectron. "Alright, one down a few to go." I said. Then they made the protectron grow. "It's time for the super zeo swords." I said. "Jason, you deal with Gasket." Tommy said. "You got it!" Jason said. We brought them together once they got over to us. "Times up." Tommy said. "I'm still ticking." The protectron said before launching an attack at us. "Not for long protectron. Super zeo megasword saber power up." Tommy said. We hit him with it. "Your time's run out loser." Tommy said. "I think we're going into overtime." The protectron said as he launched another attack at us. "Warrior wheel, power up." Tommy said. The warrior wheel got to us. "Warrior wheel, engage!" We all said. It took him down. "Alright, we did it!" I said. "Zeo rangers, victory is ours." Tommy said. Meanwhile by Prince Gasket, Jason was still fighting him when Prince Gasket decided that he has had enough. "We'll finish this another time." Prince Gasket said before leaving with Prince Sprocket, Archeria, and Clank. When they got back to the moon Prince Gasket and Prince Sprocket were arguing. The others and I went to the youth center after school the next day. "Well, seems like everything is back to normal." I said. "Yeah, thanks to you and Tommy."  Katherine said. "Well, to be honest, we couldn't have done it without you guys." I said. "Yeah, we all work together, that's what really important." Tommy said. "Yeah, well some things are just timeless." Adam said. "Yeah, like our friendship for example." I said.

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