Chapter 64 all of the fun times as rangers & Ariel's fighting spirit part 1

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Then Jason said something. "We were already friends by that point." Jason said. Later that day they were all in one of the dorm lounges talking. "If I spotted her on the balance beam this wouldn't have happened." Jason said. "Jason, you can't blame yourself. If it wasn't for Ariel, I probably wouldn't have gotten over my fear." John said. "Yeah, I guess." Jason said. "You know what guys, I know that Ariel is going to make it through this. She's a fighter." Kaitlyn said.

"Yeah, she is." John said. "I know. It's just that, she fought her whole life." Jason said. "We did too." Kaitlyn said. "As rangers." John added. The next day Jason came back to the hospital. "Hey Ariel. I'm back. So, I was thinking about all of the good times we had when we weren't saving the world. I kinda wanted to remind you of some of them. The first one happened right after we became rangers. We were all hanging out at the youth center in Angel Grove. I wanted to show you guys that I can make it to the top of the climbing rope. You and a few others were telling me that I got it while I was climbing. Another thing was all of the games we played at youth group. If I remember correctly we played six games. We played the nameless name game, bodyguard, group juggle, push me pull you, fortunately... unfortunately, and celebrity. I also remember when we had a murder mystery party at Tommy's house around Halloween. It didn't exactly go the way we planned but it all worked out in the end. The thing is, I'm scared that I'm going to lose everyone else, including you. I don't want that to happen. So, whatever fight you got in you, you gotta pull it out now." Jason said. Mesagog made a new monster with some help from Elsa. He started to attack Reefside. That's when the others found out about it. They met with Jason. "I'll stay with her." Jason said. "We'll be back as soon as we can." Conner said. Then they morphed.

"Dino thunder power up!" John and Kaitlyn said to morph. They shot some lazers at him. He turned to face them. "At last." The monster said. Meanwhile in my mind, I find myself in a desert. "Hello? Anybody? What is this place?" I asked. That's when I heard a voice behind me. "Hello Ariel." Jason said behind me. I turned around and saw him. "Remember me?" Jason asked. "Gold zeo ranger?" I asked. "You bet." Jason said. "But that's impossible!" I said. "Oh, it's possible and I'm still as tough as ever. The question is, are you?" Jason said. "What is this? I'm not gonna fight you." I said. "Then I suppose you will be destroyed." Jason said. That's when I noticed that my dino gem was gone. "The gem, it's gone!" I said. Then we started to fight. Jason was one of very few people that could match me move for move. Tommy was another one. He tried to hit me with a crescent kick but I dodged both. Then he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I'm not one to give up easily. Meanwhile on the battlefield, John, Kaitlyn, Conner, Kira, and Ethan all got blasted. That's when Trent showed up to help. "Great, another one." The monster said before blasting him. Back in my mind, I am still fighting Jason. He grabbed me by the wrist and threw me to the ground but I pulled him down with me. We got back up and he threw me to the ground again. "Washed up already Ariel?" He asked. He came towards me and tried to kick me with a roundhouse kick but I thought quickly. I grabbed his leg and was somehow able to throw him back by a few yards or so. He got back up. "I see you got a lot of fight left in you. But is it enough?" Jason asked before disappearing. "Wait! What are you talking about?" I asked. That's when the scenery changed to a forest. Somebody was calling my name and I recognize the voice. "Alright Tommy, I know you're there. Show yourself." I said.

Tommy showed up. "Finally working on your tae-kwon-do, huh Ariel?" Tommy said. "Red turbo ranger? But your powers were destroyed, in that explosion." I said. "You can't keep a good ranger down." Tommy said. "Not again." I said. "For old times sakes." Tommy said before he started to fight me. He got me on the ground and pulled out his turbo lighting sword. He pointed it at me as I got back up. Tommy and I circled around each other for a minute. Then he tried to hit me with the sword but thanks to my quick thinking I dodged it. It's like I have cat-like reflexes. He then hit me with the lightning attack that I totally forgot about. Back on the battlefield they got blasted and their morphers got fried. "This is too easy." The monster said. "This guy is worth my last nerve." Conner said. They tried to morph back into their ranger forms but couldn't. "What's going on?" Conner asked when they noticed that they couldn't morph. "Kaitlyn, does that remind you of anything?" John asked. "Yeah, when we were going to morph with Tommy to take on Prince Gasket after getting him back to normal but due to the forcefield, we couldn't." Kaitlyn said. (Flashback: They try to morph back into their ranger forms but couldn't.
Prince Gasket: My forcefield is blocking your morphing powers. You've made a terrible mistake by demorphing. It will cost you dearly. Goodbye power rangers.
The forcefield disintegrated and they were able to get away. End of flashback) "Not so tough now." The monster said before leaving. They headed back to the hospital. Back in my mind I am still fighting Tommy. He got me on the ground by using a move called ahshi bahri. "You still with me? Come on, get up!" He said before grabbing me and pining me to a tree. "Don't forget, I know all your old moves." He said before pining me to another tree. "That might be true. But I learned a few new ones." I said before getting free and doing a move that I didn't even know that I could do. That sent him to the ground. "Impressive, now we'll see if you can face your toughest challenge." He said before leaving. "What? Like that wasn't tough?" I asked. Back in my hospital room, doctor Walsh was checking on me. "Is there anything you can tell us?" Jason asked. "I'm sorry Jason, no change." Doctor Walsh said before walking out. "I wish there was something we could do. I feel completely helpless." Kira said. "Ariel is pretty tough Kira. She never gave up without a fight." John said. "Yeah, and she always helped us when we were caught in a dire situation." Kaitlyn said. That's when they noticed that the creature was back. "I had a feeling he'd be back." John said. "There's nothing we can do about it." Trent said. In my mind, I was walking through a valley by some mountains. "Okay, this is weird, even by ranger standards." I said. That's when I saw a sword stuck in a tree. I grabbed it and pulled it out of the tree. Then I turned to face John in his mighty morphin power ranger form. "I thought I'd might run into you." I said. "Didn't think it would come to this, especially with you switching to the face of pink." John said. "Seems to work for me. Let me guess, you want to fight." I said. "You guessed right." John said. We started to fight but I had the advantage by having the sword. It didn't last for long though because he disarmed me. Then he used the special attack on me which sent me to the ground. Back in my hospital room, they were still watching what was going on. "That's it. You guys can stay here and watch this, but I can't." John said as he started to walk out. "Hold on." Kaitlyn said. "We're coming with you." Kira said.

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