Chapter 107 graduation at college

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Master Xandred also told us that we may have defeated him, but that the nighloks will rise again. Just then he exploded and the sanzu river went back into the netherworld through the gaps it came through, along with Master Xandred's ship. Octaroo was the only one left. "Oo-ah-oo. There's no one left but Octaroo. Well, so much for the bosses big plans. They've all gone down the drain." Octaroo said. Then Master Xandred's ship sank. Back at where the battle took place Jason came by the area and saw us. "Rangers, you did it. You saved the world. The nighloks are defeated." Jason said before we walked up to each other. "Hey wait, say it one last time." Antonio said. "Let's say it together." Jayden said. We all stood in a circle and put one hand in the circle, even Jason put his hand in the center. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours!" We all said as we raised our arms up. The next day I was talking to Jason. "So Jason, what's next for you?" I asked. I was thinking about going back to Angel Grove university. That's where I originally went." Jason said. "You know, graduation is coming up." I said. "Yeah, in a few weeks." Jason said. "Five weeks to be exact." I said. "Yeah, are you going to be okay without me?" Jason asked. "I'll be fine. I have other people I can go to if I need help." I said. "Are you sure about that?" Jason asked. "Yes Jason, don't worry about me. I'll be just fine." I said. Then I went to go talk to my dad. "We've couldn't have done it without you dad. I wish you could stay." I said. "You're gonna be coming back home real soon sweetheart. I'll see you at graduation." Michael said. Jason offered to help him with his bags. "Don't you want to say goodbye to the others?" I asked. "I'm not very good at goodbyes, or hellos sometimes. I just..." Michael said. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it." I said. Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and started to walk out with Jason when I stopped him for a minute. "Hey, see you in a few weeks." I said. Then he left. Then the others walk up to me and I turned around to face them because they came up to me from behind. "Hey Ariel, I have scored the golden ticket, an around the world fishing expedition. This is a trip of a lifetime. I'm gonna catch fish nobody's ever heard of." Antonio said. "Sounds fishy, in a good way." Mia said. "How about you Mia?" I asked. "I'm going to the culinary academy." Mia said. "Thank you." Mike whispered. "No comments please." Mia said. "I didn't say anything." Mike said. "Well, I can take a hint. But I'm gonna study hard, so when Antonio comes back with his rare and exotic fish, I'll turn it into a gourmet cuisine." Mia said. "Kevin  are you going back to the swim team?" I asked. "Well, I just caught up with my coach the other day, and I just barely have enough time to train for the Olympic qualifying tournament. It's definitely going to be hard work, but I..." Kevin said when Emily cut him off. "But if anyone could do it you can." Emily said. We all agree with her. "What about you Emily?" Kevin asked. "Oh, no major plans. I'm just excited that I get to go home and take care of my sister. There's no other place I'd rather be than home with family." Emily said. "Mike, tell her where you're going." Mia said. "I kind of thought I'd go with Emily." Mike said. I raised an eyebrow at him. 🤨 "What? You know, in case she needs help moving her stuff." Mike said. "Kaitlyn, what are you gonna do?" I asked. "Not much. Basically just gonna look for a job and maybe move into my own place." Kaitlyn said. "Cool. What about you John?" I asked. "I'd kind of thought about moving in with you." John said. "I would have to talk to my dad about that and see if he's okay with that." I said. "Okay." John said. "Besides, Jason wanted to say goodbye to everyone before he goes back to Angel Grove University, so let's go." I said. We walked out into the lobby of the college. "So, what are you gonna do?" Mike asked. "I haven't really thought about it. For the first time in my life I'm done with my ranger duties, well, for now anyway." I said. "I'm going to go home after graduation. I'll get to be home with my family, but I have to finish college first. I guess I'll see you guys around." Jason said. "Yeah, and Jason, thanks for everything you've done to help me get over losing Tommy." I said. "No problem, you know that I was always willing to help." Jason said. Then we hugged each other. Then we all said goodbye to him and he left. Then everyone else went somewhere, either to their dorm rooms, the annex, or the rec hall. It was just me and John in the lobby. "So, what do we do now?" I asked. "Would you like to play wizard101 with me?" John asked. "Yeah, let me go get my laptop and I'll meet you in the dorm lounge so that I can sign into your room and we can play until co-ed hours are over." I said. "Okay." John said. Then I went back to my dorm room and got my laptop. Then I met with John and we went to his room and played wizard101. Five weeks later, we had graduation. After graduation I asked my dad if John can move in with us and he was totally fine with it. A day or two later I went to Tommy's grave. There's one last thing I wanted to do. "Hey Tommy. Listen, about what happened in the battle with Master Xandred, we destroyed him. I came up with the idea about how to take him down, and it worked. Anyway, I can't stop thinking about all of the good times I had with you. You know, like the playdate we had when we were kids, all the games we played at youth group, everytime we hung out at the youth center, and the murder mystery party we had at your house. We had some pretty cool adventures together as well. My favorite one being when we went to the lost island of Muiranthias to save our friends. I almost died in that adventure, but then again, there were a few where I could have died, but didn't. Anyway, I just want to say that I know that you're still with me in spirit. And I have gotten over what I was going through, but it's all thanks to Jason. He was the one who helped me out the most. I've been listening to some songs from for king and country and there's this song called unsung hero. I think you will like it." I said before pulling out my guitar and playing it and singing it.

I always have seen Tommy as my unsung hero, not just my best friend or my brother. After I sang it I wanted to let him know that I saw him as my unsung hero. "You were always there when I needed someone to talk to Tommy. You were way more than my best friend, way more than my brother, you were my unsung hero. No matter what happened, you always came through for us. I wouldn't be where I was if it wasn't for you. Thanks for everything you did to help me get through my life." I said. I put his previous morphers on his grave and started to walk away when I stopped in my tracks and did something that I've seen some characters do in the hunger games. (Skip to 2:00 in the video. You don't have to watch the riot part if you don't want to)

I was finally over Tommy's death. It took a long time, but I finally got over it by remembering all of the good times I had with him throughout the years, ever since we were kids. I will always look back on those days when I need to.

The end

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