Chapter 76 the new team & the first nighlok battle

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Then Jayden and I got off our horses. "Do not accept because you were trained to do so, except only if you are willing to commit and fight as samurai power rangers with all you heart." Jayden said. "Without hesitation." Kevin said. "I've been planning for this since I was a little girl, so yes." Mia said. "I'm ready to give it all I've got." Emily said. "It has been like that my whole life. I'm in." Kaitlyn said. "We'll give it everything we've got." John said. "Let's do this thing." Mike said. We tossed the samuraizers to them. "Let's go." Jayden said. We went to where the attack was. Tooya was about to attack another human when I said something to make him stop before he could hurt anyone else. "That's enough." I said. We walked to the top of the steps. "Well, it's about time. Come on, who are you punks?" Tooya asked. "We're the samurai rangers." Jayden said. We pulled out our samuraizers and morphed. We each had a symbol that we have to draw with our samuraizer to morph. "Rangers together samurai forever!" We all said as soon as we morphed. "Moggers, get them!" Tooya said. We started to fight them but there were dozens of them. They just kept on coming. It's almost like we can't hold them off. "Guys, we can do this together." I said. "Just like old times, right Ariel?" John asked. "Right. John, Kaitlyn, follow my lead. As for the rest of you, follow Jayden's lead." I said. "You got it." Mia said. Jayden used his fire smasher, Kevin used his hydro bow, Mia used her sky fan, Emily used her earth slicer, Mike used his forest spear, I used my wolf hunt bow, Kaitlyn used her speed dagger, John used his Jaguar based multitool that can have ranged attacks too. Then Jayden and I charged at the nighlok as he tried to blast us. Luckily, Jayden's fire smasher was big enough to protect both of us. While Jayden hit him from the front I got behind the nighlok and shot a wolf claw arrow attack at his back, weakening him. Then Jayden sent him flying onto a car. "Guess what, your ride's here." Tooya said before sending that same car towards us. Jayden and I were both standing in it's path. "Ariel, get behind me." Jayden said. "Why?" I asked. "Trust me." Jayden said. I got behind him and he used his fire smasher to break the car in half. "Time to take your for a ride." Jayden said as he charged at him. Then he moved him into a stone pillar and gave one final blow, destroying him. The rest of the team met with us. "We're not done yet. Each nighlok has two forms. You saw the first." I said. "Now it's time for the mega monster." John said. That's when Tooya grew into a mega version of himself. "How are we supposed to fight him now?" Mia asked. "We have our folding swords. If we each use our symbol power, we can morph into megasword mode." I said. "Right. Follow our lead." Jayden said. "Lion folding sword, mega mode power!" Jayden said. "Wolf folding sword, mega mode power!" I said. The rest of them followed. "Jaguar folding sword, mega mode power!" John said. "Cheetah folding sword, mega mode power!" Kaitlyn said. We folded our swords and put them in the control system along with a part for the disc. He tried to stop us by blasting us but it didn't work. "Here goes nothing." I said. We hit him and we turned around and went at him again. "Bad puppy and kitty." Tooya said. "There's no such thing as a bad dog or a bad cat, only bad owners." I said. "We'll help you out. I'll come from the left." Kevin said. "I'll take him from the right." Emily said. "John and I will come from behind." Kaitlyn said. After a few hits we gave Mia a chance to get a hit on him. "My turn to give it a whirl." Mia said. Tooya got Mia stuck in his skirt. Mike got her free. Then Kevin hit him with an attack. "Let Jayden and I take care of this. You ready Jayden?" I asked. "You bet." Jayden said. "Alright, let's do it." I said. "Megablade, pentagonal fury!" Jayden and I said. We both went through the nighlok destroying him. His lion sword roared and my wolf sword howled.

"Samurai rangers, victory is ours." I said. We went back to the college. "What a rush, we did good." Emily said. "Piece of cake." Mike said. "We couldn't have done it without working together." I said. "Thanks for leading us into battle Jayden." Kevin said. "I didn't do it alone. I had someone to help me." Jayden said before turning his gaze to me. "I thought that you guys could learn a thing or two from some veteran rangers." I said. "Nice job. Such energy and grace." Jason said as he walked up to us. "Jason is going to be our mentor. He was a power ranger once." I said. "Welcome back. You've all came from different places and families. But you share one noble goal. I'm very proud of how you've come together." Jason said. "We just followed some good advice and worked as a team." Jayden said. "Yes, but you are not just any team, you are the samurai rangers." Jason said. We stood in a circle and held out our folding swords in the center. "Rangers together, samurai forever!" We all said. The next day the rest of the rangers and I were hanging out at the picnic shelter behind the school. We were all training with our inherited samurai symbols. Jason doesn't have one because he is our mentor. He's not just my mentor though, he's also my friend. "There's more to being a power ranger than mastering a sword. You must also learn how to use your inherited samurai symbols." Jason said. Jayden painted the symbol for fire and flames erupted from the paper. Kevin painted the symbol for water and the symbol turned to water and splashed him in the face. Emily painted the symbol for earth and it turned into a rock and fell on Kevin's foot. "OW!" Kevin said. "Sorry. Are you okay?" Emily asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Kevin said. "Man, that's gotta hurt. And I thought I was the emotional one of the group." I said with a laugh. I know I shouldn't be laughing but I just can't help myself. Mia painted the symbol for wind and a light breeze surrounded her. I painted the symbol for ice and the symbol turned to ice. (Not black ice. You can't see black ice.) John painted the symbol for lightning and lightning bolts erupted from the paper and we all ducked so that we wouldn't get hit with it and properly get electrocuted. I stood up and looked at John. "Newsflash John, I'm not looking to get electrocuted. Not today, not ever." I said. "I didn't know that was going to happen." John said. "I did. Lightning can be very dangerous." Jason said. "Wait, you knew?" John asked. "Yeah. My sister, Jessica got stuck with lightning a few years ago. Luckily, she survived." Jason said. "That good to hear." John said. Then Kaitlyn painted the symbol for thunder and the symbol turned into two clouds with lightning going between them. Mike's was forest but he couldn't get it right. "That's not right. Was it this way?" Mike asked as he tried it again. "That's it." Mike said. "The order of the strokes is wrong. Mike you must practice more." Jason said. "He's right. After all, practice makes perfect." I said. "Okay, I get it. Practice." Mike said. Before he could try it again he asked about having a lunch break. "How about a lunch break? You'd be amazed at how well I practice after a few slices of pizza." Mike said. Meanwhile in the netherworld Master Xandred took some more medicine. "This medicine makes me feel better but that music is giving me a splitting headache." Master Xandred said. "Everybody's a critic." Dayu said. "If only we could get this ruinous sanzu river to rise and flood the human world." Master Xandred said.

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