Chapter 55 Mesagog's first attack

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Alyssa and I decided to do another practice battle before we headed back to our dorm rooms. When I got back to the dorm room Kaitlyn was already in the dorm room. I would have at least expected that because I did a practice match for the next time we do it with Alyssa. "You know, I had a feeling that you would win." Kaitlyn said. "It's not the first time. When I used to play it in elementary school I lost all the time. That's when I started to collect them." I said. "Well, you got three good size decks for it." Kaitlyn said. "I use two of them for practice matches and the third one for the tournament." I said. "That must be nice." Kaitlyn said. "It is, especially if you're a pokemon fan." I said. "The way I see it is that once you're a fan of a TV show or movie, you're always a fan of that TV show or movie." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, you know, it's getting late so we should probably go to bed." I said. The next day I was walking around town with Tommy, Conner, Kira, Ethan, Trent, John, and Kaitlyn when I wanted to tell them how I became a power ranger. "You know, being a power ranger is not easy, I didn't even what to start at all.
(Flashback: Ariel and the others are talking.
Ariel: Hold on you guys. I'm not sure we're ready for this. I mean sure, the outfits are cool and everything, but this is a job for teenagers, not eleven year olds.
Tommy: We're only two years away.
Kimberly: I don't know you guys. I mean the outfits are cool and everything, but I have to agree with Ariel on this. My hair gets all tangled up inside the helmet. I don't think I can do it.
Trini: Oh no, Kimberly.
Kimberly: Not. *with a laugh*
John: Alright Ariel, Kimberly is in, it's up to you to keep this team together.
End of flashback) However, I was only 11 years old at the time. Everything seemed to have changed after the first battle. Being a ranger can change anyone. Even you guys." I said. "She's right guys. I'm not the same person I was when we started." Tommy said. "Yeah, Kaitlyn and I have changed as well." John said. "My life has been easy until the whole power ranger thing came into the picture." I said. "How is that?" Conner asked. "You'll understand someday." I said. "She's right Conner. We have to see how being a power ranger can change us." Kira said. "And I agree with her." Trent said. What we didn't know was that Mesagog made a monster. The monster ran into us.

John and I said dino thunder power up along with everyone else. I mean, sure, Trent can morph that way too, just never really thought about it. He blasted us but Trent and Tommy charged at him. They both got blasted sending them into a river. "Two washed up rangers." The monster said. "Nobody does that to my best friend and gets away with it!" I shouted before charging at him. John and Kaitlyn also charged at him. When I was at least ten feet away from him I shapeshifted into a lion. Kaitlyn was the first one to him. She was able to read his attacks. Then John used his fire magic on him. Then I attacked him while Kira and Ethan helped Conner to go into the triassic ranger. Conner hit him a few times. Then I shifted into a dragon and brought him up with me. After a few minutes or so he sent me back down which made me go back into my ranger form. "That was a long way down." I said as I tried to get up. I couldn't get up. I was too weak from the fall. Then I saw John, Kaitlyn, and Kira running towards me to protect me. He turned around and blasted them. "Leave them alone!" I shouted. "Very well. I'll destroy you." The monster said. Before he could even hit me Tommy noticed that I was down. He got in front of me. "Not so fast." Tommy said. "Step aside. It's the pink ranger I want." The monster said. "The rangers are a team. If you're gonna destroy somebody, you better start with me." Tommy said. "Tommy, don't do it! You'll die!" I said. "Don't worry about me. I got this." Tommy said. Then he hit him a few times with his bracio staff. Then we combined our weapons to make the z-rex blaster. We fired it at him and it destroyed him. That's when we found out that he must have copied the megasword from the last time he saw it. "How do we fight that?" Conner asked. "Only one way." Tommy said before calling in his sword which has three of the swords. "Stegasword, I need you buddy." I said. "Dragorex, come on out." Trent said. I could easily combine mine with his. "Caudipteryx, we have to help them." John said to summon his sword. Velociraptor, let's help them out." Kaitlyn said. We all got into our swords and I combined mine with Trent. John and Kaitlyn combined their swords together. Tommy handled the triassic mega rovers. Conner, Kira, and Ethan used the dino drill. Then Tommy used the hatchet attack. That destroyed the sword but that's when the monster came back as a mega monster. He blasted them. "I told you to leave them alone." I said. "Tail attack." Trent and I said at the same time to do the tail attack. "Velociraptor claw slash." John and Kaitlyn said to do the attack. It destroyed him. "That should teach you to never mess with the power rangers." I said. We went back to the college. "We had some great teamwork out there." Kaitlyn said. "Yeah, just one quick question. Tommy, why did you save me?" I asked. "Well, I care about you. I couldn't let him kill my best friend since childhood." Tommy said. "That's understandable. And just to let you know, I was down but not out." I said. "You know, we'll have to face Mesagog someday." Conner said. "If Mesagog wins, the power rangers are gone forever. Mesagog has to be defeated, no matter what." I said. "We'll have to come up with a battle plan." John said. "I know, it's just going to be hard." I said. "Alright, but we shouldn't let anyone else know about this. We can't let them know that we're power rangers." Tommy said. "Yeah, we have to keep our identities a secret. Otherwise, nobody will leave us alone." I said. "Yeah, besides it's for us to know and them to find out. Rangers code of honor." Kaitlyn said. "We get it." Kira said. "Good. Just make sure that you keep your identities as power rangers a secret, no matter what." I said. I know it's seems like I'm being a little hard on them but I don't want anyone knowing that they are power rangers. I have to keep my identity a secret too, not just because I'm a power ranger, but because of my power too. I never had the power to shapeshift before so the whole shapeshifting thing was very new to me, and I mean that in a good way. They think their powers are cool too. We work really well together, considering the fact that we all came from different worlds. Mesagog is still out there and I think I have a pretty good idea about what his ultimate goal is. I bet that he wants to return the world to its prehistoric roots. But in order to do that he has to get enough energy to activate this transfiguration beam weapon that will turn everyone on earth into a dinosaur. He just needs a few more parts to finish building it. The only problem is that the parts he needs are in Angel Grove, not Reefside. The main people he wants gone are the power rangers, which consists of me and my friends. I'm not going to let Mesagog turn everyone into a dinosaur. I don't even want to see what the world was like millions of years ago, way before humans showed up on earth.

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