Chapter 30 the murder mystery party part 2

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Back in the forest of eternal light I was still fighting Archeria. "Looks like I'm the winner." Archeria said after she got me on the ground a few times. "I fought you, now let my friends go!" I shouted. "Don't make me laugh loser. You are to be destroyed." Archeria said before telling Prince Gasket to bring out another monster. "Wait, you tricked me." I said. I couldn't believe that I fell for it. "You are correct." Prince Gasket said. "This is the only way to save the others." I said to myself as I took a fighting stance. Then the monster launched two attacks at me, sending me to the ground. "Zordon, Alpha, I need some backup out here!" I shouted. "We're sending Orrick the conqueror to help you." Zordon said. Before Archeria could hit me again Orrick the conqueror showed up. "I am Orrick the conqueror. Leave her alone!" Orrick said. Then the monster and Prince Gasket launched an attack at him, sending him to the ground. I ran over to him. "Orrick, are you okay?" I asked. "It was nothing Ariel." Orrick said. "Gasket is not going to give up. We've got to get you to safety." I said. "Nonsense." Orrick said. "But Orrick, you're injured. Let me finish this." I said. "I was sent to protect you. Those fiendish brutes are no match for Orrick the conqueror. Gasket, call off your attack and submit to justice!" Orrick said. "Never!" Prince Gasket said before hitting him again. "You look more like Orrick the conquered now." Prince Gasket said. Back at the command center Alpha noticed that Orrick was down. "Zordon, Orrick is down." Alpha said. "Without him Ariel is completely on her own." Zordon said. "Zordon, wait. I think I might have found a frequency that can reach the dungeon." Alpha said. John found them around that time. "Were you guys here the whole time?" John asked. "Yeah. And we're trying to find a way out." Tommy said. Just then their communicators, which also act as their morphers beeped. "Someone is trying to get through." Rocky said. "Zordon, Alpha, can you hear us?" Adam said. "Try to adjust your communicators to this frequency. Tune into the sound of my voice." Zordon said. They did just that. "Do you read me rangers?" Zordon said. "Loud and clear." Tommy said. "Prepare for teleportation." Zordon said. When they got to the command center they saw Prince Gasket on the viewing globe. "Oh man. I knew Prince Gasket was behind this." Tommy said. "Where's Jason?" John asked. "I haven't been able to find a frequency that will reach his communicator yet." Alpha said. "We can't wait." Tommy said. "Alpha will continue trying to reach Jason. You must help Ariel." Zordon said. "Right." John said. "It's morphing time!" Tommy said.

Zeo ranger seven silver!" John said to morph. "Zeo ranger eight white!" Kaitlyn said to morph. When they got to where I was I told them that they really got Orrick good and that it's time to take care of him. Then we got hit with an attack. "Everybody, zeo spinning power punch, now!" Tommy said. We all did the zeo spinning power punch. It worked but then he grew into a mega version of himself. "We need super zeo sword power now!" I said. As soon as we got our swords together we were getting knocked around really good. "Hang on you guys, I got an idea." I said as I made the megasword cut his weapon and shield in half. "Warrior wheel power up!" Tommy said. The warrior wheel got over to us. "Warrior wheel, engage!" We all said. The attack didn't really do much. "Without paramitis we're sunk." Katherine said. "Nothing's working." Rocky said. I saw that Orrick was back up. "Orrick, we could use some help!" I said. "You got it." Orrick said before growing into a mega version of himself. "I'm rested and ready to put those scoundrels in their place." Orrick said. "Nice idea Ariel." John said. "You're history blue boy." The monster said. "Oh yeah?" Orrick said before finishing him off. "Thanks for your help Orrick." I said. "Anything for you my friend." Orrick said. "That cursed Ariel won't get away with this." Archeria said. "At the risk of stating the obvious, it seems to me that she just did." Prince Gasket said. "Well, she made herself a dangerous enemy." Archeria said. "Agreed." Prince Gasket said. We went back to Tommy's house to finish the murder mystery party. Jason noticed us as we walked in. "There you are. Where have you guys been? Did you get lost?" Jason asked. "Not exactly." I said. "We'll tell you later." Tommy said. "Alright, let's get back to where we left off. Everyone except for John, go to Tommy's room. John you stay down here." I said. "Alright." John said. Then we started with Jason coming back after killing the last person. "Did you find them?" I asked. "Yeah, but they were already dead." Jason said. "Sounds a little suspicious. I better go find some more clues." I said. I went upstairs and saw a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and unfolded it. It had everyone's names on it. (Their once upon a time character names, not their real names.) I noticed that it was Jason's handwriting. In fact, he's one of the few people I know that can write in cursive. "What is this? I have to make Rumplestiltskin explain this to me." I said. I went back downstairs and walked up to Jason. "Alright Rumplestiltskin, what did you do?" I asked. "What are you talking about Emma?" Jason asked. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. And I found this." I said as I pulled the paper out. "You weren't supposed to know about that." Jason said. "You know what, I really thought that we could trust you. I knew you were the dark one but I didn't think you would stoop down so low and go as far as to kill everyone." I said. "What can I say? I'm evil." Jason said.

"Rumple, why did you do this?" I asked. "What do you think? I'm the dark one." Jason said. "Yeah, I know that. What motive did you have?" I asked. "They don't exactly trust me. They were planning to kill me." Jason said. "So, what you're saying is that they were talking about a plan to kill you, and I didn't know about it?" I asked. "They didn't want you to know because they thought that if you knew, that you would try to protect me. My father wouldn't." Jason said. "He's a demon. What do you expect?" I asked. "But would you try to protect me if you knew about it?" Jason asked. "Of course I would." I said. "Miss Swan, always wanting to protect someone." Jason said. "Yeah, even you, as much as I can't believe it." I said. "Alright Emma, you got me. I was the murderer." Jason said. "I had a feeling it was you all along." I said. And with that the mystery was over. John got up and I went back upstairs and told them that I found out who was the murderer. We all went back downstairs. "So Jason, how did you pretend to kill us?" Tommy asked. "I said the killing curse from Harry Potter for each of you, but not loud enough for you guys to hear." Jason said. "I'm not into Harry Potter." I said. "Well, I am. I knew exactly which one you are talking about." John said. "Yeah, I never watched Harry Potter. I just thought that it looked too scary." I said. "What is the main reason why you didn't watch the movies?" Tommy asked. "Because of you know who and his snake. Snakes are my biggest fear." I said. "Wow, that's understandable. I mean, snakes can be pretty scary." Tommy said. "Yeah, besides, it's a completely rational fear to have. A lot of people have the same fear." Katherine said.
"And it's one of the most common ones." Rocky added. "But sometimes it's irrational. You know. I just don't know why I'm so scared of them." I said. "Is it because some snakes are poisonous?" John asked. "I don't know. All I know is that I'm scared of all snakes." I said.

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