Chapter 36 Billy's fast aging part 2

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Nobody had control. We were coming up on a steel building really fast. "Try to turn." Tommy said. We tried to turn but couldn't. John, Kaitlyn, and I did the only thing we could think of so that we wouldn't ride right into the building. "Alright, you ready?" I asked. "For what?" John asked. "Jump off your cycle when I say to." I said. "Seriously?" Kaitlyn said. "Trust her Kaitlyn." John said. "Alright. Now!" I said. John, Kaitlyn, and I jumped off our cycles just as they were about to crash into the building. The others crashed into the building. When some fire started Tommy noticed that it was about to blow up.

"It's gonna blow! Run! Come on!" Tommy said as they got up. We started to run away from it when the building blew up and we got knocked to the ground due to the force of the explosion. "How do you like your fiery finale rangers?" King Mondo said. "It's King Mondo." Tommy said. "I had a feeling he'd be back." I said. "That's right. I'm rebuilt and I'm better than ever with my new monster Cog changer. King Mondo is back for good." King Mondo said. "You don't get it, do you King Mondo?" Tommy asked. That's when King Mondo sent the cogs at us. "The final defeat of those putrid power rangers is mine and mine alone." King Mondo said as we fought the cogs. Meanwhile on the moon Rita dosen't want King Mondo to grab her glory. "That tub of rebuilt parts isn't grabbing my glory. Make my impersonator grow!" Rita said as she made her monster grow. "Tommy, John, Kaitlyn, and I will handle the impersonator. You handle Cog changer with the others." I said. "You got it Ariel." Tommy said. "Alright. We need zeo sword power, now!" I said. That's when my sword came with John's sword and Kaitlyn's sword. We got into our swords. "Alright, let's bring them together." I said. As soon as we brought our swords together we started to fight the impersonator. "I love to pick on someone my own size." The impersonator said as she started to attack us. We tried to hit her with a punch but it did nothing. "That tickled." The impersonator said. "Zeo eight battle helmet activate!" Kaitlyn said. We hit her again, but like before, didn't do anything. "Zeo seven battle helmet! This will be a blast." John said as the helmet changed. We tried to blast her but she sent it right back. "Zeo six battle helmet. I really hate bullies." I said as the helmet changed. We tried to blast her again but she sent it back at us again. "Zeo megasword saber, now!" John, Kaitlyn and I said. We used it but it didn't work. We got knocked to the ground. The impersonator continued to attack us while we're down. "Purple battle sword now!" I said. My battle sword came and I went into my battle sword. "Back off impersonator!" I said. "No more miss nice purse." The impersonator said before I started to attack her. "That's it! You're through!" The impersonator said. Meanwhile in the machine empire King Mondo dosen't exactly like Rita's monster. "That monster of Rita's is ridiculous. I refuse to let it destroy my rangers. Cog changer, move in and do your stuff." King Mondo said. The others were helping us out because we were getting knocked around a little. "Right away my king. I'll plant an evil cog inside the zeo megasword." Cog changer said. He did just that and left. "That was fun. Come on, let's do it again." The impersonator said. "Time for some heavy artillery." I said. I used the blasters of my battle sword but it did nothing. "Alright guys, let's bring both megaswords together." I said. We brought them together. "Now let's take care of this overgrown accessory." Tommy said. "Couldn't have said it better myself." I said. We blasted her again but it still did nothing. "Ariel, do you have some kind of plan?" John asked. "We might need Jason and paramitis to help us." I said. Meanwhile at Angel Grove falls Jason was collecting some water that will hopefully get Billy back to normal. "This water has to be pure enough. I've got to get it back to Billy before it's too late." Jason said as he collected the water. He put the lid on the bottle and that's when I contacted him. "Jason here." Jason said. "Jason, this is Ariel. This monster is tougher than we thought we need you and paramitis." I said. "Alright Ariel, I'm on my way." Jason said before morphing.

Jason came to help us. "Alright everyone, initiate zeo ultrasword now!" Jason said. We brought all of them together. "Oh goody, another one. I love little toys." The impersonator said. "Zeo ultrasword, fire!" We all said to blast her. It looked like it was going to work at first but it didn't. "Haven't you learned yet? You're powerless against me rangers." The impersonator said. "The purse is right. We're gonna need to regroup and come up with a new plan." I said. We had to retreat. "You're running away? Now I will destroy you." The impersonator said. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Sprocket, King Mondo, and Queen Machina were watching the impersonator. "Dad, did you hear what that purse monster said? What are you gonna do?" Prince Sprocket said. "Watch and learn my son." King Mondo said. Meanwhile where the battle took place the impersonator was still talking. "You can't escape me rangers. You can't..." the impersonator said. Before she could finish King Mondo teleported her to a different planet. Rita didn't like what happened to her monster. "My monster! What happened to my monster?" Rita asked. "It looks like someone just teleported it away." Zedd said. "Find it. That was my best monster ever!" Rita said. Meanwhile in the machine empire Prince Sprocket wanted to know what happened to the impersonator. "What happened to the impersonator? It was about to win." Prince Sprocket said. "Exactly. I teleported it to another planet so I can destroy the rangers." King Mondo said. "How are you gonna do it?" Prince Sprocket said. "The Cog changer planted an evil part in the zeo megasword. The next time they use it, they'll all be destroyed." King Mondo said. Meanwhile at the command center we just got back. "We've got the water." Jason said as we walked in. "It may be too late." Delphine said. We gave Cestro the water and they tried to get him back to normal. We had it for a minute but it didn't really work. "Oh man, we had it for a second." Billy said. "I'm afraid it isn't enough. The aging process will continue at an accelerated rate." Cestro said. "Rangers, King Mondo's Cog changer is still loose and we aren't certain what happened to Rita and Zedd's impersonator." Zordon said. "Without Billy, we're gonna need help." Tommy said. Then we received a transmission from the rest of the rangers from Aquitar. "Rangers of earth, it is Aurico. The remaining rangers of Aquitar are standing by to offer assistance at the first sign of trouble." Aurico said. "We will not leave you in your time of need." Cestro said. Just then Zordon picked up some abnormal readings in the zeo megasword. "Rangers, I am picking up some abnormal readings in the zeo sword holding bay." Zordon said. "There's something wrong in the zeo megasword. It looks like a loose wire in the auxiliary sub-cockpit. I better go check it." Billy said. "It's good for you to move around." I said. Of course Katherine doesn't agree with me. "Should you be moving around so soon?" Kathrine asked. "No, I think it's good for me." Billy said. He went to the zeo sword holding bay and went into the auxiliary sub-cockpit of the zeo megasword. He noticed that all of the readings were mixed up. "These readings are all wrong." Billy said as he started to fix them. Little did any of us know that there was an evil cog in the zeo megasword that became active. Billy put on some headphones with a microphone to try to let us know what's going on. "Mayday! Rangers, mayday!" Billy said into the microphone on the headphones.

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