Chapter 82 the rangers get poisoned

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Just then, Mia came up to us. "I came up with a new recipe. Everybody loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, right? So for breakfast what can be better than a pb&j omelet?" Mia asked as she showed us it. "Thanks for the offer Mia but I'm full." I said. "I don't like peanut butter." John said. "That's pretty typical for you." I said. "I just ate." Mike said. Then Kevin started to eat his cereal. "Precision and discipline, huh?" Mike asked. Then Jason came up to us. "Everyone, I have excellent news. The missing swordfish sword and been spotted at Limintor beach. It's a sword that went missing in action years ago. If we don't catch it now, who knows when we'll get another chance?" Jason asked. Just then, the gap sensor on my samuraizer went off. "Kevin, we'll take care of the nighlok. But I want you to go catch that swordfish sword. Are you up for a solo mission?" Jayden asked. "Up for it? I've been waiting my whole life for it." Kevin said. "With your mastery of symbol power over water, I'm confident you'll capture that sword." Jayden said. We went to where the nighlok was. I smelled something bad. "Oh, yuck! What is that smell?" I asked. Then the nighlok made his presence known to us. "Hey, you saying I have a certain air about me?" Yamiror said. Then we morphed. "Let's get him!" Jayden said. "Once you sniff my funky smell you'll say I'm a knockout." Yamiror said. Meanwhile at the beach Kevin just made it there. "If dad could see me now. This is what all the hard work all those years has been for. I won't go back without the swordfish sword." Kevin said. Then he wrote the symbol for fishing pole and one showed up. "Now that's what I call symbol power. I'll lure the swordfish sword onto this disc in no time." Kevin said as he put the catch disc onto the fishing pole and casted the lure into the sea. The swordfish sword jumped out of the water and Kevin just missed him. Back in town we were fighting the nighlok. "One whiff of my breath will leave you feeling in the dumps." Yamiror said. "No thanks. I'll pass." Mike said. "But I insist." Yamiror said before using his bad breath on Mike to poison him. Then Jayden went after him. "Come on stink pod!" Jayden shouted. "Garlic and onions are all I eat. Toothpaste is a treat but I haven't brushed my teeth in ages. Give it up. You're no match for me. Looks like you're falling for me. Take a breather." Yamiror said before poisoning him as well. "Nobody does that to the red ranger and gets away with it!" I shouted as I started to fight him with John and Kaitlyn. He used his breath on us which poisoned us. We all went down. Then Emily and Mia came over to us. "You really are a stinker." Mia said. "You look pretty in pink. I wish I had a sardine sandwich to share with you." Yamiror said. Then Emily stepped in and tried to help but then they got poisoned as well. We couldn't move. Back in the netherworld, Octaroo noticed that the sanzu river was on the rise. "Oo-ah-oo. What a nice surprise. The river water is on the rise." Octaroo said. "What's today's brilliant scheme?" Dayu asked. "Yamiror, the nastiest smelling nighlok in the netherworld. I noticed his stench in the air and ordered him to go stink up the human world." Master Xandred said. "Sounds charming." Dayu said. "He was created when lightning struck some toxic waste. He's been stinking up the sanzu river ever since." Octaroo said. "His breath is so bad, it incapacitates humans when they inhale it. Not even my medicine could help." Master Xandred said. "During his last rampage he did great. The humans got so freaked out that the river rose a foot." Octaroo said. Back at the beach, Kevin was still trying to catch the swordfish sword. "Okay, let's try another symbol power." Kevin said. He tried at least three different ones but none of them seemed to work. It was so hot that he passed out. When he came to he was in some kind of shelter with another fisherman who found him unconscious. "What happened?" Kevin asked. "You fainted. I didn't want to leave you out there to roast." Mason said. "Thanks so much for your help, but I really have to go. I have to catch a fish." Kevin said. "I say that everyday." Mason said.

"You don't understand." Kevin said before his samuraizer rings. "Hello?" Kevin said. "Kevin, the rangers have been poisoned. They all inhaled the nighloks stench. Their fevers are next to impossible to recover from. They can only be saved by a purifying power. The power of the swordfish sword can do it. You must catch it and bring it back to the college fast. It might be our only hope." Jason said. "I'm on it." Kevin said. Then he turned back to Mason. "Seriously, thanks for everything, but I have a swordfish to catch." Kevin said. Back at the college my samuraizer beeped. "Oh no. Not now." I said before calling John. "John, we have a problem. There's an attack, but there's no way we can do it in our condition. Try to keep Jayden in the room." I said. "Got it." John said before hanging up. Then he noticed Jayden trying to get up. "Jayden, what are you doing?" John asked. "You heard Ariel. There's a nighlok to fight." Jayden said. "Jayden don't do it! You'll die!" John said. "It's a risk I'm willing to take." Jayden said before leaving. In town Yamiror was on the attack. Jayden showed up on the scene. "Back for more?" Yamiror said. "You got me once, but now I know not to breathe your stench." Jayden said before he started to attack him again. "It's nice that you're a big fan of mine. When you fan your sword like that you're spreading my stink even further." Yamiror said. "Your breath won't work this time." Jayden said. Back on the beach Kevin was still trying to catch the swordfish sword. Kevin was about to spin the disc for more power but it sent a shock through his body. Mason sat him down and gave him some water to drink. "Young man, why are you doing this to yourself?" Mason asked. "I have to bring in a swordfish, but what I'm doing isn't working." Kevin said. "So why make yourself sick? There are easier catches than a swordfish." Mason said. "No, this fish is special, and it has to be now." Kevin said. "Then get to it. It's time for you to catch that swordfish." Mason said as he gave the fishing pole back to him. Back in town Jayden was still fighting Yamiror. "Maybe you're not quite smelling it yet but the sour stink of defeat is headed your way. You can try to stop it but my nostril numbing smell is still working on you." Yamiror said before blasting Jayden, sending him to the ground and making him demorph. "You've lost your swagger and your outfit. Watch out ranger, a third strike of my super stink might put you out for good." Yamiror said as Jayden got back up. Back at the beach Kevin was still trying to catch the swordfish sword. "I have a feeling he's right out there. I just need to focus." Kevin said.

Then he spun the disc and waited for a tug on the line. He finally felt a tug on the line and planted his feet on the ground. "I can do this." Kevin said. He pulled the swordfish sword out of the water and it got sucked into the disc. The catch disc turned into the swordfish disc. "I did it!" Kevin said. "What kind of swordfish was that?" Mason asked. "I told you it was special." Kevin said. Back in town Jayden was still fighting Yamiror. "Looks like you got your second wind but three strikes and you're out." Yamiror said before knocking Jayden to the ground. When the nighlok was about to finish him off the others and I showed up on the scene.

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