Chapter 86 Virginia helps the rangers

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They are still looking for answers. "I've been looking for answers. I thought this new bunch of samurai pests were just lucky but it seems like they're mastering powers that could spell real trouble for us." Octaroo said. Then Master Xandred sat up. "More medicine." Master Xandred said before lying back down. Back at the college we met with Jason.

Back in the netherworld Octaroo found out that Jayden's father didn't have enough strength to do the seal correctly. "Of course, the last red ranger didn't do it right. Our master was able to revive because the red ranger didn't have enough strength to create a permanent seal." Octaroo said. "What about the current red ranger?" Dayu asked. "Oo-ah-oo. No, he's not strong enough either." Octaroo said. "Are you sure?" Dayu asked. "Would we be standing here if he could?" Octaroo said. "So, let's take him out." Dayu said. "I know the perfect guy. Even other nighloks are afraid of him. Robtish, are you there?" Octaroo said. "Right here sharkbait." Robtish said. "We need you to deal with a pesky kid in a red helmet. Would you like to take him on?" Octaroo asked. "Like to? I'd love to." Robtish said. The next morning the rest of us were training without Jayden. "This is awesome. Jayden just has to master the sealing symbol, and Master Xandred will be old news." Mike said. "But the last red ranger couldn't master the seal." Mia said. "And the ranger before him couldn't master it as well. No ranger has." Kevin said. "He'll master it. He has to. It's his destiny." Emily said.

"That's right. Until then, we have to protect Jayden. That's our number one mission. If we work as a team, we can protect Jayden from anything." Kevin said. "Guys, that's not necessary. We protect ourselves. It's business as usual. Stay focused on the battle at hand as a team." I said. That's when Jayden walked up to us. "I couldn't have said that better myself." Jayden said. "But we must protect you at all costs!" Kevin said. "No! That's just too much of a burden to bare." Jayden said. I knew that was coming. Just then, my samuraizer beeped. "Nighlok attack, right outside of town." I said. "Let's go!" John said. We went to where the nighlok was. "Which one of you is the red ranger?" Robtish said. Jayden stepped forward. "Why hello there. Rumor has it that you got some special tricks up your sleeve. The boss has a problem with that so I have to destroy you. Sorry." Robtish said. "Sorry? I'll show you who's gonna be sorry." Jayden said. He started to walk towards him when I grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Jayden, this is too dangerous. This is exactly the type of battle you should avoid doing on your own. Let me help you." I said. Jayden broke away from me and charged at him. Robtish tried to blast him. Then he morphed. "Why won't he listen?" Kaitlyn said. "I don't know, but I'm going to help him." I said as I ran towards the battle that's happening on higher ground. We morphed and while I was helping Jayden the others got stopped by moggers. Virginia came by the area and saw what was going on. "This fight is kind of fun. You're not bad." Robtish said. "Save the compliments." Jayden said. Jayden got knocked down. "You're down and you'll soon be out." Robtish said. "Think again nighlok!" I said as I attacked him from behind. He grabbed the blade of my sword with his sword the minute he turned to face me. "This fight ends for you now." Robtish said before disarming me. Then he used double slash on me. It sent me to the ground. "Look at you. One double slash and you're down for the count." Robtish said. "Down, but not out." I said as I tried to get up. "I thought you'd be tough but you're crawling around like a bug. And I love to crush bugs." Robtish said. John and Kaitlyn started to run towards me to protect me from the next attack. "Ariel, we're coming!" John said. "No! Protect yourselves!" I shouted. They got in front of me the minute I was about to get hit with another double slash. They both went down. "No, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen." I said. "Those fools must really care about you. That's their mistake." Robtish said. I got in front of them. "Don't touch them." I said as he started to walk towards us. That's when the others took down the moggers and came to help. "Eight for the price of one. That's a deal." Robtish said. Before he could hit us Virginia showed up blocked the attack. I couldn't believe that she showed up. "Virginia, what are you doing here?" Robtish said. "I'm here to protect my friends. I'll ask you once, please leave." Virginia said. "And what if I don't want to?" Robtish said. They started to fight and I stopped them. "I'll take you two on if I have to. Whatever it takes to protect my friends." I said. I started to fight him along with Virginia. I can't say that I'm surprised, Virginia was actually helping me. "That's enough Virginia. The black ranger is just as big as a threat as the red ranger." Robtish said. "Leave her alone." Virginia said. "You both need to leave me alone." I said. After a few more hits Robtish thought it was time to finish me off when in reality it was time to get fired up.

"Where is she finding the strength to hold off the nighlok?" Kaitlyn asked. After a while we all stopped. Both Virginia and I had a sword on him. "Alright nighlok, your move." I said. Then he started to dry out. "You're both in luck. I'm drying out. Master Xandred won't be happy about this." He said before disappearing through a gap. Virginia and I both lowered our swords. "He'll be back. Why did you help me?" I asked. "Remember back in elementary school, when you helped me?" Virginia asked. "Yeah, of course I remember. How could I forget?" I said. "Well, I just thought it was time to return a favor, after everything you did for me." Virginia said. "Thanks for the help. Just next time, let me and the rangers handle it." I said. "That's what I'm counting on." Virginia said before walking away. I couldn't understand why Virginia helped, or why she didn't attack me. I guess she noticed that Robtish's double slash took too much out of me for another battle after he left. Then I turned to John and Kaitlyn. They were still on the ground. I demorphed and called Jason. Jason came and helped us get them back to the college. I needed some time to myself. I can't put anyone else at risk because of what happened to John and Kaitlyn. Jason met with Jayden. "Have you seen Ariel?" Jason asked. "Not since the battle." Jayden said. I reached the front door of the college and looked back. "I can't put anyone else at risk. I have to do this on my own." I said to myself before walking out. Jason walked out but didn't see me. "If only Tommy was still here to make her stay at the college until the next battle." Jason said to himself. I was walking along the streets of Reefside. People were passing by and the streets were busy. I don't really care where I go now, but anywhere's better than the college at this moment. What happened to the others is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I got a flashback of the battle that hurt John and Kaitlyn. (Flashback: John and Kaitlyn get in front of Ariel and get hit with Robtish's double slash. End of flashback) They're willing to give up everything to protect me, just like John and Kaitlyn have been doing my whole life. If only they knew what my life was like before I met them.

I can't ever let the team put themselves at risk again. Back at the college Jason knew that he has to give me some space to find the strength I need to help the others.

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