Chapter 47 Kimberly & Jason get turned evil & the fight part 1

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She continued to look around. "I love it. I love it. Oh, the steaming skulls, perfect." Divatox said. Elgar took Jason over to Kimberly. "Don't move." Elgar said. "Now, I think the lava will have to go but we'll do all of our entertaining here. Alright, it's time to feed my future husband. Prepare the humans first. He can have the Liarians for dessert. If anyone knows a reason why we two should not be joined in holy matrimony shut up." Divatox said. Everyone pretty much went silent. In a different part of the island we were all running. "Sure beats walking." Adam said. "You can say that again." Tommy said. We all jumped over a log that was in our path. After a few more feet we stopped. "Do you hear that? We're close, keep your eyes open." Tommy said. They walked ahead but I was out of breath from running. I thought I heard people chanting Maligor's name over and over again to my right. "Tommy, over here!" I called. Tommy and the others came up to me. "What's wrong?" Tommy asked. "Nothing. It's just that the sound is coming from that way." I said. "Nice work Ariel. Take the lead." Tommy said. "Alright everyone, stay close together and follow me." I said. After a few feet or so I found the secret entrance that Divatox probably didn't know about. "There's the entrance." I said. Meanwhile in the temple they had Kimberly and Jason over the volcano. "Maligore, great flame of destruction, it is I, Divatox, your one and only true soulmate. This moment has been long and coming. And now, I bring you two perfect specimens to seal our matrimonial pact. Awake, and feed upon their purity. Come forth, and let evil twist their souls. Be free again and join forces with me." Divatox said. We found the temple. "Alright guys, this is it. You guys ready?" I asked. "Ready." The rest of them said. I took a deep breath. "Alright, move out on my command." I said. After a few seconds I gave the command to go into the temple. "Hey, did we miss the party?" Tommy asked. "Who invited you?" Divatox said. "We did. Rangers, this is Divatox. Divatox, this is your worst nightmare." Kimberly said. Divatox scoffed. "Lower them into the volcano." Divatox said. "Justin, you and I will go for the wheel. The rest of you, go after the warriors." I said. "You got it." Tommy said. A big fight started. "Divatox, give up?" Justin asked as I fought some more warriors to keep them away from the wheel. "Elgar go give power boy my answer." Divatox said. "Come back you little twerp." Elgar said as he got Justin away from the wheel. Adam got Lerigot over to his family. The warriors somehow got me away from the wheel. Rygog got over to the wheel and started to lower Jason and Kimberly into the volcano. I looked over towards the volcano and saw them being lowered into the volcano. "Kimberly! Jason!" I said. "Into the fire." Rygog said. "Ariel!" Kimberly called. Meanwhile by another warrior, Adam was fighting him. "Get out of my way." Adam said. Then he got grabbed by the neck and thrown to the ground by Elgar's whip. Just then they were lowered into the volcano. "Too late rangers. Even now, they're becoming his spawns of evil." Divatox said. That's when I knew we had new enemies to face. "I love it when a plan comes together." Elgar said. Just then they came up from the volcano, turned to face us, and broke the handcuffs off. Their eyes were red. "I don't like the looks of this." I said. "Maligor's children, destroy those who threaten the flames of unity." Divatox said. Tommy went for Kimberly but Kimberly threw him off. Justin grabbed Jason by the shoulder but Jason grabbed his hand, turned the palm upward and punched him in the waist and kicked him in the legs sending him to the ground. "Jason, leave Justin alone! He's just a kid!" I shouted as I charged toward him. As soon as I got over to him he kicked me away. Adam was by Kimberly. "Kim." Adam said. Kimberly tried to kick him with a crescent kick but missed. "Snap out of--" Adam started when Kimberly grabbed him and hit him with her knee cutting him off. Then Tanya grabbed her from behind and got her away from Adam. Back by Jason he sent me to the ground again. While I was down John and Kaitlyn took him by surprise and got him away from me. "I may be down, but I'm not out." I said. Kimberly had Tanya by the neck. "Let go of me." Tanya said. Kimberly let go of her but she kinda pushed her back along with that. Then she started to walk towards Katherine. "Kim, you got to fight the evil." Katherine said. "Evil is like evil does." Kimberly said. "Don't do this!" Katherine said. Kimberly started to attack her and Tommy saw that. "No! Leave her alone!" Tommy said as he ran over to protect our teammate. He grabbed Kimberly and turned her to face him and he took his helmet off. "Look at me Kim. Look at me. It's me, Tommy." Tommy said. "We're your friends." Katherine said. "Friends? I don't have any friends." Kimberly said. That's when Jason took Tommy by surprise. "And sweetie, pink is out." Kimberly said before kicking Katherine in the waist which sent her to the ground. Jason was making Tommy back up towards the volcano. "Come on ranger!" Jason said. "No, I don't wanna hurt you." Tommy said. Then Jason got him on the edge of the volcano. Then he started to strangle him to death. I got back up and ran at him. I grabbed him from behind which took him by surprise and I turned him around to face me. Then I took my helmet off. "Look at me Jason. Look at me. It's me, Ariel. Your friend." I said. "You're not my friend. I don't have any friends." Jason said. Then, without warning, he grabbed me by my wrist and threw me across the temple. My back hit a pillar but my head kinda hit it too, then I fell onto the ground. Jason went back over to Tommy to finish the job. John and Kaitlyn got over to me to protect me from incoming attacks from the front and back. John was protecting me from the front and Kaitlyn was protecting me from the back. Kimberly looked over towards the volcano and saw Jason over Tommy. "Into the fire. Into the fire." Kimberly said. "Do it! Maligor's power will exceed. Throw him in the fire!" Divatox said. "No! This one is mine!" Jason said. "Throw him in the fire. Throw him in the fire." Divatox said. "Yes, into the fire." Kimberly said. Then Yara and Lerigot used their magic to make Kimberly return back to normal. That's the last thing I saw before blacking out. Jason was still over Tommy. "Now I'm the one with the muscles and the power." Jason said. "Yeah, that's right Jase. But you're not using your brain power." Tommy said. Jase and Jay were his nicknames. Tommy brought up one of his knees, bringing Jason over him and into the volcano. Before Jason could fall far enough into the volcano to not be reachable Tommy rolled over onto his stomach and grabbed his right hand. Kimberly saw what was going on. "Tommy, hang on!" Kimberly said before running over to the volcano to help him pull Jason back up. "Come on Jason, don't fight me. You got to remember. Remember all the good." Tommy said. Jason started to relax a little but was still fighting to get free from Tommy's grip. When it looked like Jason was going to get free Kimberly showed up and helped him get Jason out of the volcano. Katherine picked up Tommy's helmet and gave it to him. "I think you're gonna need this." Katherine said. "Yeah, thanks. Back to action!" Tommy said before putting his helmet back on. "I'll get the Liarians." Kimberly said. "Right, let's finish up guys." Tommy said. John and Kaitlyn were still protecting me from incoming attacks. They continued to fight the remaining warriors.

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