Chapter 74 the vision plays out & the moggers attack part 1

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They continued to talk. "I know who it was. Maybe use some of your powers to figure out where she is! You're her boyfriend. You must have some idea." Jayden said. "Yeah, I am her boyfriend. That doesn't mean I know everything. What about you Kaitlyn? You were one of her closest friends. Did she give you any ideas?" John asked. "If I had an idea, don't you think I'd have mentioned it by now?" Kaitlyn said. "How can you be friends with someone and not know their secrets?" John asked. "Because we don't stand around and talk about what happens when a nighlok attacks! Plus, Ariel doesn't usually open up about what happened in her life." Kaitlyn said. "Guys, stop fighting!" Jason said. "Right now, we're doing exactly what the nighloks want. We would tear each other apart, and that's exactly what we're doing. Decker has thrown a lot of punches today. But now... I think I know a way to throw one back." Jayden said. "Decker dies today." John said. He went to the high school and when he saw Decker he put his sword on the ground and kicked it towards him. "Ah, John. I thought I smelled a ex-teenager." Decker said. "Please pick it up." John said. "Why me? You're the one who dropped it." Decker said. John picked it up. "Because I'm starting to wonder if you still have it. An assassin, power ranger powers, a nighlok... why don't you try doing something yourself for a change, you jagoff!" John said. As soon as he started to attack him Decker pushed him back with enough force to send him flying across the room. "Jagoff? You do realize you can't kill me, you power ranger." Decker said. He grabbed his sword that he called uramasa. "Thanks for the tip. I know I can't kill you... but I could do something much worse." John said. "Careful. Don't dabble with forces you don't understand." Decker said. "Oh, I'm gonna be quite careful. You're gonna get exactly what you deserve. I will destroy you!" John said. Before he could even hit him with the sword Decker used his powers to choke him, which made John stop dead in his tracks. "Look at you. Such blood lust. I always knew darkness would be a lovely shade on you." Decker said. "John!" Jayden shouted as he came running in with Kaitlyn. "Let him go. You're outnumbered and we've got the sword. You've lost." Jayden said. Decker knew he was outnumbered. He stopped trying to choke John to death. "Death is too good for you. I'd rather watch you suffer." Decker said before leaving. Later that night Decker was walking around town when the mysterious figure from my vision showed up. "Who the hell are you?" Decker said. The figure didn't answer and just turned him into a snake. (A cobra) Meanwhile in a different dimension I found a way out of there. Back at the college John and Kaitlyn were talking. "I wanted to execute Decker but it was Ariel who convinced me to see his human side. What if I'm just like my father?" John asked. "You're not your father. We all make mistakes. Dosen't change who we are." Kaitlyn said. They must have had the door unlocked because at that moment Jason walked in with Jayden and Antonio. "Big trouble guys." Jayden said. "What the hell is that?" Kaitlyn asked referring to the birdcage that they brought with them.  "That... is Decker." Antonio said. "He got what he deserved." John said. "Who put him in there?" Kaitlyn said. "A guy in a hood." Jayden said. "From Ariel's vision. Did you see him?" John asked. Jayden didn't answer. "Did you see who was under that hood?" John asked. Jayden described the guy as best as he could. John and Jason go out to look for him. "We're gonna find that guy before Ariel gets back. The only way she's gonna see that hooded figure is behind bars." John said. "Easy dude. I thought the plan was to get some shut-eye and recharge." Jason said. "Yeah, well, plans change. Now that this guy is in town, he changed Decker into a snake. Snakes are Ariel's biggest fear. He's powerful. He wants to kill my fiance. I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna find this guy." John said. "Hang on." Jason said grabbing his arm making him stop. "You're usually the chill one of the group." Jason said. "It's because of me... the wish I made... to give Decker what he deserves. It brought him here. It's on me. I'm not going to chill out until I fix this. If you're not with me..." John said when Jason cut him off. "I'm with you, all the way. I just hope you know what you're doing." Jason said. "You and me both." John said. I went through a potal which brought me to a forest just outside of town. I walked back into town. I was walking down main street when the vison came back to me. That's when I heard someone behind me. It sounded like Tommy. "Ariel." Tommy said. I turned to face him. However, he looked older than he did when he died. I didn't know it was him. "I've been waiting." He said. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Tommy Oliver." Tommy said. "I only know one Tommy Oliver. He looks a lot younger than you do. What do you want?" I asked. Then, almost without warning, he started to attack me and I fought back. He sent me to the ground by kicking me in the chest which made me do like a backwards somersault. He tried to hit me but I put my sword up to defend myself. I got back up and we continued to fight. He disarmed me and threw the sword he had to the side. Just then, John showed up with Jason and Kaitlyn. "Ariel!" John said. "Stay back!" I said. "Tommy, wait! You don't have to do this!" Jason said. "It's okay. I'm not gonna let him hurt anyone." I said. He somehow froze them. "I'm not going to hurt them. Just you." Tommy said. Then we both noticed that my hand was shaking. "Ready to die ranger?" Tommy asked. "I'm fated to die... and I will die... but not today." I said before shooting some kind of power from my hand. Then I ran over to the sword and picked it up. I stood over him and held it at his neck. "I'm still going to kill you." Tommy said. "I wouldn't count on that if I were you." I said, still standing over him. "I didn't ask for your opinion." Tommy said before using some kind of power to get away. Everyone became unfrozen. "Ariel, you did it!" John said as they ran up to me. John gave me a hug. "You're amazing Ariel." John said. "Thank God you're alive." Jason said before giving me a hug. "Good work Ariel." Kaitlyn said. "I didn't even know that I could do something like that." I said. "We still got the nighloks to take down." Mike said. "Right, they'll be back, when they are, I'm not sure we're ready for it." John said. "Get into your opponent's head. Use your instincts to sense their next move and feel their attack coming." Jayden said. "Spoken like a true samurai ranger." I said. The next day a young boy was playing hide and seek with a few friends from school. He peeked into a gap and some moggers came out and threatened the kid. Just then Jayden and I sent our folding swords at them. My wolf sword got back over to me. "Nice job buddy." I said before he folded back up. Jason got over to the kid. "Run, get out of here." Jason said as he helped him up. The kid ran away and I morphed with Jayden. "Look before you moggers, this is the eighteenth leader of the samurai power rangers. Decendant of the man who destroyed your masters years ago. You have two choices, retreat now or become rust on his blade." Jason said. "What about me? What am I? Chopped liver?" I asked. "You don't need an introduction." Jason said. "Don't bother, I don't want them to retreat." Jayden said.

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