Chapter 75 the moggers attack part 2

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Jayden and I both put a disc on our swords. "We wanna take them for a spin." I said. Then Jayden and I started to attack the moggers. "We can take these guys down." I said.

"It's time to turn up the heat." Jayden said as he put his lion disc on his sword. He spun the disc and the blade of his sword got surrounded by fire. I put the wolf disc on mine and spun it. The blade got surround with a black streak circling around the blade. We took all of them down. "That's how it's done." I said. We walked up to Jason. "Nice job guys. Ariel, you were just as strong as ever. Jayden, you've become a master samurai and you are ready to lead others into battle." Jason said. "We're used to fighting alongside each other." I said. "Yeah, we don't want to put anyone else in danger." Jayden said. "The nighlok attacks are escalating. More and more of them are coming across to do their evil." Jason said. "Sure and if any more moggers dare pay us a visit they'll get a taste of our spin swords." Jayden said. He turned away after saying that. "Don't underestimate the power of Master Xandred if he awakens. His nighlok legions are too much for two people." I said. "Even ones as strong as you guys. Teams of rangers have battle this evil for years." Jason added. "I'm really supposed to lead a team?" Jayden asked as he turned to face us. "It's what your training has prepared you for. There are seven others who are awaiting the call to join us in the fight against the nighlok." I said. "I understand, I'll do whatever it takes." Jayden said as we walked back to the college.

Little did we know was that Octoroo was also back. "And so will I." Octaroo said. Then Octaroo heard something. "Oo-ah-oo. What's that?" Octaroo said as he turned to face the river. "Oo-ah-oo. I've got a lump in my throat. Is what I hear the master's boat?" Octaroo said. That's when Master Xandred's ship came up to the surface. Octaroo got onto the boat. "It's good to be on board again. So Dayu, where's Master Xandred?" Octaroo said. "Octaroo, I get it. You missed him." Dayu said. "Come on, tell me. You're the only one who knows. We've been without our leader for so long. We need him back. Sure, he's mean to me but that's just boss being boss." Octaroo said. "Silence you fool! I have a splitting headache this morning so zip those lips, unless you want to spend the rest of your life untying those noodles you call a face!" Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. You're pretty grumpy for someone talented enough to talk with his mouth closed." Octaroo said before telling two of the moggers to give Master Xandred his medicine. "That should help. You'll be back to normal in no time. Feel better?" Octaroo asked after Master Xandred took his medicine. "I don't even want to think about what I had to endure because of those lousy samurai rangers. Good thing I destroyed them all." Master Xandred said. "Master Xandred, how should I say this? I thought you knew about the rangers. They survived." Octaroo said. "Are you joking?" Dayu asked. "What? Those brats defeated me?!" Master Xandred said. "Oo-ah-oo. Calm down master." Octaroo said. Just then Tooya came on board. "Oh yeah, let's get this party started. I see that Master Xandred is back in charge, so let's celebrate." Tooya said. "It's unbelievable!

How did those brats defeat me?!" Master Xandred said. "Forget celebrating Tooya. That mouth on you skirt is as ugly as Master Xandred's mood." Octaroo said. "Hey, if anybody here got hit with the ugly stick, it would be you." Tooya said. "Listen, the best way to welcome the boss back is to jump through a gap and freak out some humans." Octaroo said. "Is that right boss?" Tooya said. "Do it. Then I'll make those samurai ranger regret the day they messed with Master Xandred." Master Xandred said. Back at the college John was playing wizard101 on his laptop in the annex when I walked up to him. "John." I said to get his attention. He looked at me. "Ariel." John said. "There's something you should know. Master Xandred must have awakened. I sensed it." I said. "Okay, that is just weird." John said. "I didn't think I would have seen this coming, but I did." I said as I handed the Jaguar folding sword to him. "What's this?" John asked. "That is a folding sword." I said. "Never heard of it." John said. "I gave Kaitlyn the cheetah folding sword. There are others who are joining us." I said. "Who else is joining us?" John asked. "You'll see." I said before walking away. Meanwhile in town Tooya came through a gap with some moggers and started to attack some people. Back at the college I walked up to Jayden. "Jayden, Master Xandred must have awakened. A new breed of nighlok more powerful than ordinary moggers have mobilized. We can not wait any longer. The time has come to summon our team of samurai rangers." I said. "Are you sure I'm ready to lead?" Jayden asked. "One samurai is strong but a team is unbeatable." I said.

"I must not fail. I am the red ranger." Jayden said. "The others have spent their whole lives preparing to fulfill their samurai destinies, except for the fact that John, Kaitlyn, and I have been rangers our whole lives. You guys could learn a thing or two from some veteran rangers. Fulfill your destiny to lead them." I said. That's when I contacted the rest of the team. While I was doing that Jason gave him the samuraizers. "I've been saving these until you were ready. Take them. Your fellow samurai are on their way." Jason said. I had two extra ones that I programmed for John and Kaitlyn. Jayden came outside and met with me. "You ready?" I asked. "Let's do it." Jayden said. Then we pulled out our samuraizers and wrote the symbol for horse. Two horses appeared. His horse was white with a red bridle, red reins, a red saddle blanket, and a red saddle. My horse was brown with the same tack but the tack was black. "Never forget the mission of the samurai rangers. Be brave, work together, and no matter what, don't ever give up." Jason said as we got on our horses. I gave him a nod and Jayden and I took off at a full gallop. Back in town Tooya was looking for us. "Those lame rangers should have shown up by now. This should get their attention." Tooya said before destroying some cars. Further down the street Kevin saw the samurai ranger emblem on a black vehicle. He stopped the car. "I'm Kevin, and I'm here to fight with you." Kevin said. Mia rolled down the window and Kevin zipped up he sweatshirt. "I'm sorry, I didn't know the red ranger was a girl." Kevin said. "I'm not the red ranger. I'm the pink. My name is Mia." Mia said as she got out of the car. Then Emily came up to them. "Are you the red ranger?" Emily asked. "No, I'm the blue." Kevin said. Then Mike showed up. "You guys must be my peeps." Mike said. "You're the red ranger?" Kevin asked. "No, I'm mighty green." Mike said. Then John and Kaitlyn walked up to them. "Are one of you guys the red ranger?" John asked. "No. Are you the red ranger?" Kevin asked. "No, I'm the light blue ranger." John said. "And I'm the silver ranger." Kaitlyn said. That's when Jayden and I showed up. "With an entrance like that one of you has got to be the red ranger." Mike said. "Yes, I am the red ranger." Jayden said. "And I'm the black ranger." I said. "We're your team of samurai." Kevin said. "Let us warn you now. If you follow us there is no turning back.

Either we defeat the nighlok together or they will take over the world. We will give these to only those who are ready to accept the challenge." I said.

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