Chapter 83 the rangers get healed & under mind control part 1

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I kicked him away from Jayden. John convinced me to go and help Jayden because he thought that I can't take another loss after what happened with Tommy. "You shouldn't be here, you're sick." Jayden said. "Oh yeah? And you're as fit as a fiddle?" I asked. I know that I was in a bad mood this morning but I'm in a better mood now. Jayden noticed that the nighlok was about to blast us. "Look out!" Jayden shouted. Before the blast could hit us the dragon sword saved us and that's when we knew that Kevin was back. "That stunk." Yamiror said. "Did someone order the fish?" Kevin asked. He then put the swordfish disc on his hydro bow and fired it into the air. The purifying power of the swordfish sword rained down on us, healing us. "Not purifying rain! There goes my stink power." Yamiror said. "It worked, that swordfish healed us." Mia said. "That fish is off the hook." Mike said. "It's time to clear the air." Jayden said before getting back up. Then we morphed. Then we charged at him. "So, back for more, eh? You rangers can't defeat me." Yamiror said. "That's what they all say." I said. "Ain't that the truth." John said. "It's time for you to chill out." Kevin said before using dragon splash. "If anyone's ever needed a bath it's this jagoff." Kevin said. Then Jayden brought out his fire smasher. "Jayden, use my swordfish disc." Kevin said. "You do it. I'll help keep it steady." Jayden said. "You got it." Kevin said as he put it on the fire smasher. It went into cannon blast mode. We loaded our discs into it. "You trying to disc me?" Yamiror asked. "Eight disc swordfish cannon! Final strike!" Jayden shouted before firing it at him. "I wanted a blast, but not like this." Yamiror said before blowing up. "Thanks for your help rangers. Now I can make a really big stink about this." Yamiror said as he grew into a mega version of himself. We got into our swords and brought them together. Then Yamiror used his breath to make it so foggy that we couldn't see which direction he would come from. "We're sitting ducks." Mike said. "No shit Sherlock." Kaitlyn said. "Things getting a little foggy for you?" Yamiror said as he started to attack us. "This isn't good." Emily said. "Maybe the swordfish sword can cancel out this fog." Kevin said. "Go for it Kevin." I said. Then he brought out the swordfish sword. "Have a taste of my flying fish." Kevin said before shooting two torpedoes at him. Then he poked him in the butt. "Cut that out!" Yamiror said. "Let's show this guy what we can really do as a team." Kevin said. Then he combined the swordfish sword with the megasword. "Swordfish fencer megasword, armed for battle!" We all said. "Our megablades should do the trick." Jayden said. "Let's do this!" John said. "Megablade activate! Megablade strike position! Swordfish slash!" We all said to make the megasword do the move. Yamiror went down. "Samurai rangers, victory is ours." Jayden said. We went to the beach to hang out afterwards. Mia and Emily took Mike into the water. "So, how does it feel to see all that training pay off?" Jayden asked. "It feels great. But it wasn't just my training. All the practice and dedication in the world doesn't mean much unless you truly believe in yourself too." Kevin said. I was being very quiet. "You okay Ariel?" John asked. "Yeah, it's just, I have a lot on my mind right now." I said. "Alright, guys, next time we have a day off we should spend the whole day at the beach." John said. "Only if you promise to bring some sunscreen. I got fried out here." Kevin said. The next day we had a half day of classes. After lunch Jayden was helping me train. The others were watching us. "She's got skills." John said. "Yes, Ariel is one of the best." Jason said. "They're so graceful with the swords." Emily said. "They're both excellent swordsmen. Practice is one thing, but true skills shown in battle is what really counts." Jason said. "I'd hate to see what would happen if they really had to battle each other." Mike said. "That would never happen." Emily said. "Actually it did, at one point." Jason said. "But nothing could ever make Ariel fight against a fellow ranger." Emily said. Just then I felt a slash. "Good match Jayden. I need more practice." I said. "Are you okay? You actually sounded like you got hurt." Jayden said. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." I said. In the netherworld Madimot came onto the ship. "I'm the star around here." Madimot said. "Get lost Madimot. You're nothing but talk." Octaroo said. "Hold on squid lips. I brought you a present. I've got the red rangers long lost tiger sword." Madimot said. Back at the college my samuraizer beeped. "Rangers, let's move out!" I said. We met Madimot in the wooded area behind the school. "Hold it right there nighlok. We're going to whip you into shape." Jayden said. "Do you really want to tangle with me? I'm Madimot. The baddest of the bad from the sanzu. I'm a bad, bad man." Madimot said. "Let's see if you can back up all that talk." I said. "Having backup is a good idea." Madimot said. That's when the tiger sword showed up. "I don't believe it." John said. "The tiger sword." Jayden said. "When the earth cracked open and you sealed Master Xandred in the netherworld your tiger sword fell into the crevice too. I saved him and made him my pet." Madimot said. "Jayden, we've gotta get it back." Kevin said. "My spell on him is too powerful, he's mine." Madimot said. "Everyone duck!" Jayden shouted. "Mike get down!" Kevin said as he pushed him out of the way. "Kevin, look out!" I shouted as I pushed him out of the way but I couldn't duck fast enough and got hit with the mind control blast. I went down. My eyes turned from their natural brown color to black. I stood up slowly. "Ariel?" Kaitlyn said. I didn't respond. "She's in a trance." Jayden said. "I've tamed a new pet. I call her Blacky. Now get them!" Madimot said. I attacked Mike and Mia first. "Ariel, snap out of it!" Mike said. I couldn't hear him due to the mind control. John tried to help them. "She's under mind control." John said. I sent him to the ground. "Hey, stop it!" Kaitlyn said. I turned to face her along with Jayden, Kevin, and Emily. Jayden got behind me by jumping over me. He went for Madimot. Madimot tried to take control of him too but Jayden thought quickly and drew the resistance symbol to protect himself. "No one beats me." Madimot said. I used icewave on the rest of them. Madimot must have saw me do that. "Good move Blacky." Madimot said. "No!" Jayden shouted before getting in front of the others. "We better blaze the trail out of here." Jayden said as he used his spin sword to get all of them back to the college safely. "Coward, but good timing. I'm drying out. Blacky, go wait with Tigger." Madimot said. "As you wish master." I said. Back at the college they went to one of the dorm lounges and sat down. "This isn't good. It's going to be very hard to break that nighlok's spell on the tiger sword and Ariel." Jason said. "We need a plan." John said. "John, you must be prepared to make tough choices if need be." Jason said. "I know Jason. It's just, Ariel and I have been through so much together. I don't want to hurt her, or even worse, kill her." John said. "I know that you don't want to hurt or kill her but do we really have another choice?" Jason asked. "I guess you have a point. But let's figure out a way to break the nighlok's hold on Ariel before it gets to that." John said. Back in the netherworld Madimot told them that I was under his control. "I told you I was the best." Madimot said.

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