Chapter 46 Finding the lost island of Muiranthias part 2

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I brought the keys to them. As we were about to combine the powers of our keys to get through the Nemesis Triangle safely a barrel hit Justin on his foot which made him drop his key. The rocking of the ship also caused it to slide behind some barrels. "I dropped my key." Justin said. He reached behind the barrels but couldn't quite reach it. "I can't reach it." Justin said. "Justin, let me see if I can reach it." I said. Justin got up. I got down on all fours and reached behind the barrels. I was able to reach it. As soon as I pulled it out from behind the barrels I handed it to Justin and we all stood in a circle. "Let's do it." Tommy said. We combined the power of our keys and we went through the gateway, completely unharmed. Meanwhile in the bilge of Divatox's ship Jason and Kimberly both got the panel off the wall. They swam up to the top of the room to get some air. Humans can only hold their breath for so long. "Kimberly, you have to exhale slowly on the way to the top, okay?" Jason asked. They went back under the water but as Kimberly started to swim out her shirt got caught on the edge of where the panel was. Jason helped her get free. That's when Divatox found out where the water was. "It's coming from the bilge. Activate the emergency hatch." Divatox said. The emergency hatch closed before Jason could get out. Jason swam up to the top of the room to get some air. Then Divatox drained the water out. After most of the water was removed they looked into the bilge and saw Jason. "I suppose Maligore will have to do with just one sacrifice." Divatox said. Back on the Ghost Galleon Justin was looking through some binoculars and saw the lost island of Muiranthias. He called down to us. "There she blows! Land ahoy! I always wanted to say that." Justin said. Then he came back down to the deck. "There it is, the lost island of Muiranthias." Adam said. "Looks pretty lost to me." Tanya said. "Zordon said Maligor's volcano is inside the serpent's temple." Adam said. "Wait, did you just say, serpent temple?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Adam said. "Well, serpent is another name for snakes." I said. "You scared or what?" Adam said. You know what, forget about it. I can't worry about my fear when we have a mission to do. Besides, that's got to be where they're going." I said. "Then that's when we're going too." Tommy said. Back in Divatox's ship Lerigot wasn't looking to good. "You're overgrown hamster ain't looking so hot." Elgar said. "No! He must live long enough to open Maligor's sacred temple door." Divatox said. Then some alarms went off. "Now what?" Divatox said. "This is impossible. Our radar is detecting eight human life forms approaching the island." Rygog said. "I knew they wouldn't let me down Divatox." Jason said. "I have to get rid of those power rangers." Divatox said before calling Rita Repulsa. Rita woke up and answered her phone. "Hi Rita, Divatox here. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I forgot about the time change. Listen, I know you had some experience in this matter. I need your advice. How do I get rid of the power rangers?" Divatox said. "What? The power rangers? If I knew that do you think I'd be lying here listening to this?" Rita asked before putting the phone by Lord Zedd's mouth. He was snoring. Then she brought the phone back up to her. "My advice to you Divatox, run!" Rita said before hanging up. "Thanks for nothing." Divatox said after Rita hung up. Meanwhile on the shore of the lost island of Muiranthias, Kimberly was washed up on the shore. A group of malikayas surrounded her and grabbed her. Meanwhile on the Ghost Galleon we grabbed our power boxes and Tommy pulled out his short-range locator but couldn't get a lock on Lerigot. "Guys, something's wrong. I can't get a lock on Lerigot." Tommy said. I had mine out too. "Same here." I said. "Look, desert thunder and blizzard storm are up first. We'll drive up to the top of that cliff over there and see if we can see the temple." John said. "Be careful babe." I said. "I will." John said. Then John and Adam got into their swords and headed for the island. Meanwhile in Divatox's ship she still didn't know what what we were riding on. "They've got to be riding something. Maybe a couple of torpedoes will find out what." Divatox said. Meanwhile on the island, John and Adam just made it to the top of the cliff. "Wow, this is a cool view." John said. "Yeah, I bet Ariel would like this view." Adam said. Before they looked for the temple they saw two torpedoes headed for the ship. Back on the ship I noticed that our cover has been blown. "Guys, our cover is blown. Something is coming towards us, and fast." I said. "We can't be detected inside the turbo vehicles." Katherine said. "Come on. We gotta get our butts in those cars." Justin said. We got into our swords. Back on the island John and Adam tried to warn us about the incoming torpedoes but we already knew about them. The ship blew up but not our swords. "Do you think they survived?" John asked. "Only one way to find out." Adam said. Back in Divatox's ship they noticed that they hit the ship we were in. "Whatever it was, we hit it." Elgar said. We drove through the fire and smoke. "Looks like we all got through." Tommy said. "What do you think Justin?" Tanya said. "Can we do that again?" Justin said. "Alright you guys, head for shore." I said. Adam and John finally saw us. "Thank goodness that Ariel is okay." John said. "Yeah, and everyone else too." Adam said. Then John and Adam walked away from the cliff and crossed a river that is running through the island. At that moment Divatox was on the island with her minions. "Come on, I haven't got all day." Divatox said. That's when John and Adam saw them. "Oh man, Lerigot isn't looking so good." Adam said. "There's still hope that it's not too late, right?" John asked. "We might already be too late." Adam said. By the temple they were almost there. "Where is it? My feet hurt." Rygog said. "Stop complaining. We're almost there wimp." Divatox said. "Move it prisoner!" Elgar said. Then they hear what sounds like African drumbeats.

"I don't like the sound of that." Elgar said. Then the malikayas show up. "Come to think of it, I don't like the looks of it either." Elgar said. That's when they find out that they have Kimberly. "Hey, the little power geek is back." Divatox said. Elgar was wondering if they wanted to fight. That's when Divatox knew who they were. "Those are the malikayas, guardians of Maligore. Get the wizard. Bring him." Divatox said. They got Lerigot out of the cage they had him in. Divatox gave Lerigot his key. Then Lerigot unlocked the door to the serpent temple. "The little guys packs a punch." Elgar said. "Give me that." Divatox said as she took the key out of Lerigot's hand. The malikayas bowed before her. "That's right, bow to me you little peons. I love being queen. Come on everybody, we've got a wedding to get to. Here comes the bride." Divatox said. They walk into the temple. In a different part of the island John and Adam ran up to us. "Guys, we've gotta hurry." John said. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. "Lerigot's dying. We may already be too late." Adam said. "Alright, we'll leave the vehicles here. Go for the silent approach." Tommy said. "You mean like the element of surprise?" I asked. "Exactly. Take out your morphers. It's time to kick into action." Tommy said.

"Silver bullet turbo power!" I said to morph. "Blizzard storm turbo power!" John said to morph. "Gold striker turbo power!" Kaitlyn said to morph. Meanwhile in the temple Divatox was looking around the temple. "I like it." Divatox said as they walked in.

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